I asked asked Rio Ferdinand what the components are of a great team, and this is what he said…

Emma Obanye
Mindful Team
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2018

So I am a massive prawn sandwich utd fan, meaning I’m a Londoner who is in love with the best team in the country. Man Utd.

People often think Prawn sandwich fans are glory hunters, but I’m not one. I was forced to support Man utd by my older brother Victor and I believe I am very fortunate for it, especially as I witnessed the glorious reign of a Sir Alex Ferguson.

I grew up with the story of the Busby babes, and watched as every team that Fergie sent out failed to lose.

Amazed by his man management and his ability to rebuild teams over such a long period that always overperformed on such regularity always inspired me especially when I moved into facilitation and management..

So when my great Utd buddy Buzzy invited me to see Rio Ferdinand launch his new book last year, there was no way I could say no.

Rio’s book is all about coping with the loss of his wife Rebecca, a very moving book.

The audience at the event contained many people who had been through a similar sort of loss and Rio spent an hour being interviewed by the writer of the book and gave a real insight into his life before and after Rebecca’s death.

Rio spoke about many aspects of his life including his younger years before he became a professional footballer and gave some great insight into what it takes to be an elite athlete and footballer.

At the end of the evening Rio was hounded for autographs and photographs which he obliged. I rolled up my sleeves, put my old Buddybounce hat on and hustled my way over to get our books autographed and ask Rio a question…

Given Rio is a Man U legend, managed by Sir Alex for a long time, I decided to ask him a question about what it takes to be a great team. Here is what he had to say…



Emma Obanye
Mindful Team

@buddybounce co-founder. digital geek. vespa mad. united fan girl, who loves a prawn sandwich ;)