How To Win. This Is The Way.

OgreAbroad -
MIND Games
Published in
5 min readApr 25, 2023

I have been in the crypto space since late 2017 and have been involved in dozens of projects. One commonality I have noticed is that in many cases, the Community wants more marketing. The blockchain space is full of dreamers. Developers who want to make the next Flappy Bird, no marketing required. Communities on the other hand, sometimes seem to expect the team to make them successful without having to do anything… or possibly they want to help… some Community members just don’t know how.

This article is intended to address that last bit. I would like to help show how you can help curate your own interests in a decentralized way!

I am here because I don’t like the old way. Web2, where a small group of people run businesses, and we hope to catch the scraps off their plate. I’m fed up with that, and I have a feeling that you are as well!

There are many reasons why people feel like they can’t help; “I can’t write code! I can’t write articles! I can’t make videos! I want to help… I just don’t know how!”

There are several ways that you CAN help! In fact, if you want tomorrow to be better than yesterday, you must. If you don’t… nothing changes. A small group of people at the core of most projects will become ridiculously rich, and we will be wondering why we struggle to feed our loved ones.

What can you do, you ask?

First off, if you’re NOT one of those people saying you can’t create content… START CREATING NOW! Articles, Videos, Twitch streams, Tweets, or even Memes. These are all helpful! No one is more critical of your work than you are. Take a chance. Make something and give it to the world. You might just be surprised at how well you are received!

Even if you don’t feel like you can create something that will be well received, EVERYONE can support those who do! You see, all these social media sites have algorithms which find interesting traffic that has lots of interaction, and it pushes that content out in front of more people. We can use this.

We have a community full of people who own their Game Pieces (NFTs & tokens). You are self-incentivized to help spread the word and help people find this amazing little project you’ve found. This is what Decentralization looks like. Everyone chipping in to push the bus up the hill. This Is The Way. Below are some tips for each Social Media platform. Simple things you can do to help.

Remember, the more you interact with content, the more likely it is to be shared beyond your community. These are not meant to be complete lists, but to provide some easy tips which take mere seconds to accomplish, and can help amplify the message of the projects you love.

Twitter: Follow the sender. Like, Retweet, and leave reply on tweets. Longer messages are more likely to be picked up. Two emojis and a “LFG!” won’t have as much effect.

Medium: Follow the author. Hold the little “clapping hand” for 5–7 seconds and leave the maximum of 50 claps. Leave a message. Keep in mind, short messages won’t be as effective.

YouTube: Subscribe and click the little bell to notify of new content. Like the videos by hitting the thumbs up, and leave a comment.

Discord: This won’t really push content out, but it will help ensure that those people who are attracted to the project are more likely to stick around… Invite some of your friends to the server by clicking the little downward pointing arrow next to the server name, and select “Invite People”. You can either send them an invite directly by clicking on “Invite” next to their name, or click “Copy” at the bottom to copy a link you can share directly with someone in DM. Another big thing we can do is be present in the server. Try to answer questions as new people come in and ask them. In a perfect world, no one posts without getting an answer within two minutes. Five minutes is ok, but MIND Games is still young. As we grow, it will be even more important to have near instant response time. Even if you don’t know the answer, merely responding to someone and saying that you don’t know is helpful. It shows that people are in the server, and it is an active project. If people ask questions, and don’t get answers for hours, it may seem to be a dead project. As we grow, we will need more people on the mod team. Personally, if I have any sway when the time comes, I will be looking to community members who know the project inside and out… and are already basically doing the job. (No promises on the time frame!)

So far, I have seen some amazing people being super active in MIND Games’ Discord server and being extremely helpful. I applaud ALL of you! One person has even started creating content and even an amazing tool! Who we should all be supporting is @invcrawl. He has written some great articles! If you haven’t checked them out, you definitely should! I will leave links to his socials below. Don’t forget those 50 claps!!! He is not the only person who is helping out. Many of you are present in Discord, interacting with people, and providing useful feedback from testing. If you’re not engaged yet, the time is now! Make sure you don’t forget to amplify MIND Games’ official accounts as well!

So you see, it doesn’t matter who you are, or what skills you think you have! There are lots of easy things you can do in mere seconds to help spread the word about your beloved project!

Get your MIND right! Do your part to help decentralize the effort… or be forever condemned to hope that your fairy godmother comes along and grants all your wishes.

Investment Crawler’s Socials:

Discord: @invcrawl (Hit him up in the chats if you want his DM)



MIND Games Socials:

Link to MIND Games Documents: (All the Info, Roadmap, etc)

Link to MIND Games Medium: (LORE!!!)

Link to MIND Games Twitter: (MORE LORE! AND Updates!)

Link to MIND Games Discord: (Where the Community lives. Come say hi!)

Link to MIND Games Website: (This is where the magic happens)

