What is MindGuide and why you should care

Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2018

Everyone of us is feeling frustrated, ashamed, anxious, disappointed, lost, lonely, ambivalent, sad or angry at times. We are all human. And it is natural to feel like this at times.

Yet, we don’t need to let these emotions control us. Moreover, we can turn our struggle into our growth. This is where MindGuide kicks in. Our mission is to create an inspiring and safe, nonjudgmental, accepting environment, where there is a place for everyone to evolve as a person.

We provide online therapy and we make it convenient & available anytime, anywhere. You can use three different ways to communicate with the therapist: have an audio, video or a text-chat session.

We are not trying to replace traditional in-office therapy. We are aware of the limitations of e-therapy. Online therapy is not appropriate for those who cope with serious mental health problems or the ones who are in life-threatening situations. However, online therapy stands out for it’s convenience, accessibility, anonymity, flexibility, time-saving, affordability and more.

Founder of MindGuide is Lina Klansek. She is a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist and licensed Psychotherapist. With her medical background and clinical experience, providing service of best quality is her №1 priority. For her, every person should have an opportunity to learn about herself or himself and become an even more confident individual with the feel of kindness to themselves and others.

Enough being said, it is time for action. Give yourself a chance to learn and grow. Let MindGuide guide you so that you become your own Guide of your Mind.

