How do children learn programming at MindHub

Nikolay Krastev
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2019

The professions that are being studied at school today by our kids are not the ones of their future actually. At MindHub, we are committed to creating a new generation of creators with a clear understanding of the fundamentals of programming and advanced analytical and computational thinking. This knowledge and skills are critical to the 21st century, which also is helping to develop in every profession.

It is not only important what the kids learn, but also the way they learn it! That’s why at MindHub we have created an interactive curriculum based on game-based methodologies that teach kids into the fundamentals of programming in a fun and innovative way.

We will introduce you to the methodologies we use successfully to teach coding fundamentals and to develop the logical thinking of children.

Learning fundamentals in the coding based on play-based methods

At MindHub, we present coding as a way to solve puzzles, create stories and program robot behaviour. The kids teach programming, solving challenges such as “programming robot steps to go through obstacles and save a baby turtle (another robot) who is in trouble.” This interactive method works much better than presenting the concepts and dry theory. Children create stories, unlock levels of mini games, create their own games, win over missions and unlock different challenges — a curriculum that keeps them alive while learning important program concepts.

And all this feels like a game!

Solving logical puzzles and games through the fundamental programming concepts

At our courses, kids learn coding concepts such as repetition, decomposition, recurring actions, and templates, functions, and variables. Thanks to our innovative program, children cannot suspect that they are actually studying such complex concepts. What they see is how they solve logical challenges and tasks, such as “program the dog Jack to chase a running octopus and get points every time he can catch it.” The next program is created by our student who is trained in the MindHub Middle direction.

Although studying a programming language is important, it is very difficult for kids to master the basic concepts of programming while learning syntax. That’s why in MindHub we use tools that make it possible to learn the basics in programming by arranging visual blocks of code. This is done thanks to the Blockly library developed by Google. Thus, the transition to a programming language is smoother and kids can learn and create without remembering the syntax.

Creativity through code writing

At MindHub, we develop kids’ creativity while learning how to code! Only a small part of our program includes:

• Creating animations and interactive stories through programming;

• Creating mobile apps and games;

• Programming the behaviour of robots and drones;

• Studying robotics and robot programming in a real environment;

• Development of Mods for Minecraft and Design at different levels;

  • And many more interesting activities, developing the creativity of the children.

Text commands and text syntax

Once the kids feel comfortable with the code blocks, we begin to work with them to recognize text syntax of the algorithms they have already developed and to create new interesting things through text commands similar to the code blocks. In this way, children can link block text and start texting quickly and easily.

The smooth transition to the Python programming language

We chose Python as a programming language that our students can learn. This language is extremely advanced and broad-based, enabling our students to develop interesting programs and keep their interest while studying the syntax of a language. When starting Python, our students are already confident in developing programs and algorithms through code blocks and text commands. They understand the fundamental programming structures well and can use them to create different programs. The transition to the Python programming language is smooth, through tools that translate block programs and help students learn in real time, developing games, and solving interesting logical tasks.

Transition from Block Programming to Python

MindHub is a programming club for kids between 6 to 11 years old. Our main goal is to develop logical and analytical thinking and also the creativity of the children, as well as to give them useful knowledge about the future. With a lot of passion and innovation, we create an environment where children can be distinguished

Enjoy the coding! ;)



Nikolay Krastev

In a dedicated relationship with Search Engine Optimization (SEO).