A quick 5-step process to Build your Bot

Mounish Kothapally
MindIQ Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2016

With MindIQ, creating business bots was never so easy. We have developed a platform that makes it easy for businesses to create their customer interaction bot. In this post, we try to enumerate the steps involved.

Step-1: Selecting the type of Bot

First Step — Selecting the right bot.

The first step is to select the bot that you want to build. MindIQ offers 3 types of bots at present. More are soon to come. Right now, only the E-commerce bot is active. Content Bot and User Feedback Bot are expected to go live shortly.

Step-2: Connecting your Facebook page

Step Two — Selecting the Messaging Ecosystem

The next step is to connect your Facebook page with the platform. This would populate the platform with your users so that the bot can engage with the users seamlessly.

Step-3: Upload your Business FAQ’s

Step Three — Feeding data to bot so that it can learn

The Third Step is one of the crucial steps. Here the business uploads FAQs related to its product and/or service. To help businesses understand what information to feed into the platform, we have provided a sample Q&A file for reference- Ex: What are your store delivery timings? What is your refund and cancellation policy?

Step-4: Connecting Your Inventory

Step Four — Connecting with inventory

The Fourth Step is to connect the inventory with the platform. Since we are currently working with e-commerce bot, we therefore have Shopify. Shopify is a complete e-commerce solution that allows you to set up an online store to sell your products.

Step-5: Select the Payment method you prefer

Step Five — Deciding payment methods

The final step is to connect the payment method. MindIQ is the only platform where in-chat payments are possible with our PayPal and Stripe integrations.

A quick Five step process and your Bot is now up and ready

Want more help? Why don’t you through our video tutorial

MindIQ- Build your ChatBot in a jiffy using MindIQ

To get a more hands-on approach, Build your Bot Now at www.mindiq.in. Hope to see you using our platform.

Learn more about us from our Help section. You can always Message Us or mail us at contact@mindiq.in in-case you need any help.

