A quick 5-step process to set-up MindIQ-BotLetter

Mounish Kothapally
MindIQ Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2016

BotLetter, a new strategy for Businesses to engage better with their customers and build long-term relationships. Customers have abandoned emails and are using messaging channels more and more for communications. Let MindIQ help you take your newsletters to where the customers are.

Step-1 : Select NewsLetter Bot

On MindIQ’s on boarding portal, Select “NewsLetter Bot” to Get Started.

Step-2 : Connect your Facebook Business page

Connect the Facebook page through which you want to send your users Newsletter to their FB Messenger Chat.

Step-3 : Create a Subscriber Pop-up Form

Using MindIQ’s on boarding portal, businesses will be able to create a customisable sign-up form. Once created, forms can be easily added to your website.

Step-4 : Copy/Paste the generated script to your Website

Copy the generated script and paste it to your Website’s Index.html page to see things live in-action.

Ready to build your Newsletter Marketing around Facebook Messenger? Start your first Newsletter at https://www.mindiq.in/messengerchimp

