Build a Bot for your media publication in 2 minutes

Anup Reghunathan
MindIQ Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2016

As a media publication (whether you are a large publication or an individual blogger), you are always looking to tap into new users and engage better with the existing users.

Social Messaging channels are opening up and are proving to be a better medium for customer engagement and retention. Facebook Messenger has a reach of 1B+ users and building a bot on Facebook Messenger allows you to tap into this user base.

You would have interacted with the CNN bot or the Fox News bot on Facebook Messenger.

At MindIQ, we are providing the fastest and robust solution for media publications to create a bot for their content on Facebook Messenger.

You can onboard your publication on Facebook Messenger in 2 mins by creating a bot that subscribes to your RSS feed.

The bot will keep users updated on breaking news, push periodic content, let users subscribe to categories of interest as well as ability to search for content in a natural language way.

Start building your bots at

Some use cases for the MindIQ Content template

News Publications

News Publishers can create their bot in a couple of minutes and give their subscribers a very easy way to stay updated with top stories across the globe. Also, the bot will send a news update every day and is smart enough to filter out repeated content to avoid unnecessary spams.

Example: We used the RSS feeds of Times of India to create a sample News bot.

Bot Link:

News Bot


Not just large media houses, individual bloggers can keep their followers updated through bots. Followers will be able to get updates in Facebook Messenger, follow a particular story, get announcements and interact with the blogger.

Example: We created a bot for “The Coffeelicious” Medium blog

Bot Link:

Medium Blog Bot


You can create a bot for a video channel like YouTube or a TV show.

Example: Check out the bot that we created for the Disney YouTube channel here.

Bot Link:

YouTube Channel Bot

Custom Streams

You can also build a bot aggregating multiple channels. For example, Political News from BBC, Sports from ESPN and Tech News from TechCrunch. The platform empowers everyone to create their own personal news bot and avoid the headache of switching multiple channels for news.

Example: A bot created to aggregate news Political News from BBC, Sports News from ESPN and Tech News from TechCrunch.

Bot Link:

MindIQ Personal News Bot

All you need is an RSS link to create an engaging bot using the MindIQ.

Start creating your Facebook Content Bots at



Anup Reghunathan
MindIQ Blog

Entrepreneur, Co-founder, Tech Enthusiast, Hacker, Microsoft