Hacks to Increase Blog traffic using FaceBook Messenger

Mounish Kothapally
MindIQ Blog
Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2016

We have all been there! We toil away our good night sleeps to create a Killer Blog and we’ve hit the publish button….expecting the likes, shares and comments to start rolling in. Instead, we soon realise there’s nothing !!

We see this phenomenon happening all the time with most us - Company Blogs, Product Blogs, Personal Blogs and it’s not hard to see why. In most instances, you’ll be competing with hundreds of other blogs for the attention of the same few readers.

To stand out you’ll often need to produce something truly exceptional- “Great Content” and making great content can require serious time and money, but that alone will not suffice! You would need to use different strategies/hacks out there to improve your blog readership, but nowadays the same old tricks aren’t working too!! You would need to do something new and innovative.

Today I want to share two new and innovative strategies using FaceBook Messenger. Both strategies are not hard to implement and bloggers have seen a significant increase in traffic, links and shares by implementing them. So let’s get started!

#Hack1 : Auto-BroadCast via FaceBook Messenger

Think of this, you write a Killer Blog and once you’ve hit the publish button automatically all your subscribers, followers receive a personal message via FaceBook Messenger with your Killer Blog’s headline and link. Instant Reads, Shares and Comments ! Isn’t this what you want? Click here to Get Started

Auto-BroadCast Bot sending new stories daily at 8AM on FaceBook Messenger

How Auto-BroadCast works?

  1. Connect the FaceBook page through which your subscribers/ followers will be notified
  2. Connect one or multiple RSS feed(s) of your Media publication, Blog or YouTube channel
    (In case, you do not have RSS feed- check out these articles on how to create one for your WordPress, Medium or Youtube channel)
  3. Every time you post something new, we’ll automatically do a Messenger BroadCast to all your subscribers.

Interested? Setup your Auto-BroadCast Bot Now on https://www.mindiq.in/broadcastbot

#Hack2 : Newsletter Marketing via FaceBook Messenger- MessengerChimp

When was the last time your Email Newsletter marketing campaign had a read rate of more than 45%? Definitely ages back or never! Even benchmark figures of MailChimp suggest the same.

Email Marketing Benchmarks by MailChimp

Whereas Messenger Newsletter marketing campaign has seen a 90% open rate in 3minutes or less. Hence, this will be an audience not just reading your Blog but “engaging with your brand." Isn’t this what you want? Click here to Get Started

MessengerChimp Widget

How MessengerChimp works?

  1. Connect the FaceBook page through you want to send Newsletters to your subscribers/ followers
  2. Add MessengerChimp Widget to your Website. Make individual adjustments to your title, your message texts and your widget. Works with all websites- requires a single copy/paste to get started
  3. Your subscribers can sign up for your Newsletter themselves by clicking on “Send to Messenger”. Our system makes sure that your list is always up to date.
  4. Create and Send your newsletters right away or pick a date and time- it’s up to you. Set up scheduled messages in advance and MessengerChimp will take care of sending your content at the right time.

Interested? Setup your MessengerChimp Now on https://www.mindiq.in/messengerchimp

Many Popular Brands like World Economic Forum, CNN andTechCrunch around the globe are using FaceBook Messenger to increase their traffic and build a large audience base. Now using MindIQ, you too can increase your traffic by these simple Productivity Tools.

Why is FaceBook Messenger important?
Social Messaging channels are opening up and are proving to be a better medium for Customer Engagement and Retention. Facebook Messenger has a reach of 1B+ users and added Facebook Messenger to your social widgets list allows you to tap into this user base.

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