How to build your business using ChatBots? - MindIQ

Deven Bhooshan
MindIQ Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2016

Effectively manage and address customer’s needs coming through ChatBot- Converting Conversations to Sales

Haven’t built a ChatBot for your business? Use MindIQ ChatBot builder platform to create an intelligent ChatBot in just 5 minutes

MindIQ Customer Interaction Dashboard

Lets Get Started…

Section 1: Chats

In this section of the MindIQ customer interaction dashboard, you will be able to see all the conversations between your customers and the ChatBot.

While the ChatBot interacts with the customer and answers to customer queries intelligently on your behalf, you can always jump in to take over the conversation- that is, Invoke Manual Mode using the toggle button present at the top of the chat. [See image below]

Manual mode invoked by the customer and Business manually interacting with the user to resolve the user’s query

Left hand side of the Chat section gives the entire list of customers coming from the different Messaging apps- FB Messenger, Slack, Skype etc. The exclamation icon in black across a customer’s name indicates that the ChatBot was not able to answer the customer’s query and needs assistance from a human to resolve it. [See image below]

“Exclamation icon” on the right side, across a customer’s name indicates that the user needs manual assistance

Section 2: Analytics and Reports

This section of the MindIQ customer interaction dashboard gives Analytics and Reports for Businesses to understand their customers better. The Reports give metrics such as Number of orders placed through the Bot, Total GMV generated through this channel i.e ChatBot, total number of users coming to the Bot and total number of Messages. All these metrics can be viewed on a Daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Reports and Analytics for Business: Total Order, total users and total GMV generated through the ChatBot
Reports and Analytics for Business: Total Orders, total users and total messages generated through the ChatBot

Section 3: Campaigns

This section of the MindIQ customer interaction dashboard gives tools for Business to engage with their customers better. Businesses can create customised campaigns in form Rich-content based cards to increase the engagement of their customers. [See image below]

Building Rich-Content based cards where Businesses can add Images, Text and Sub-Text

Section 4: Broadcast

This section of the MindIQ customer interaction dashboard gives tools for Business to target their customers with relevant and personalised content for each user. Businesses can select a set of customers and push them relevant and customised campaigns which were created using the Campaigns section. [See image below]

Business selects the set of users along with relevant campaign to broadcast the selected-campaign

Section 5: Business Info
This section of the MindIQ customer interaction dashboard shows the Business information which have been taken while on-boarding a business

Business Info section of MindIQ Customer Interaction Dashboard

Section 6: Help
This section of the MindIQ customer interaction dashboard is Help section which the on-boarding business can use at any time to know more or contact MindIQ support

Help section of MindIQ customer interaction dashboard

Want more help? Why don’t you through our video tutorial.

How to use MindIQ Customer Interaction Dashboard to build your business using ChatBots

To get a more hands-on approach, Build your Bot Now at Hope to see you using our platform.

Learn more about us from our Help section. You can always Message Us or mail us at in-case you need any help.



Deven Bhooshan
MindIQ Blog

Solopreneur | Tweeting my journey building 🧡 @honeypot_so Past - Engineering @gojektech @amazon @mindiq_in