The Missing Link in the E-commerce Industry.

Jigar Shah
MindIQ Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2016

The e-commerce industry has grown by an unbelievable pace. It has provided great value to the marketplace by bringing buyers and sellers onboard a digital platform. This digital platform has expanded the boundaries for both buyers and sellers and is continuing to do so. But this platform has a vital link missing.

Commerce in the physical world works a bit differently than digital one. The seller first understands the various needs of the customer and then suggests products that would fit the bill. The online platform somehow missed this vital part of ‘interaction’ between buyer and seller. Today, the seller has no option but to trust that the platform will route potential customers to their products. Coupled with a lot of sellers selling similar products, the scope of differentiation vastly diminishes.

E-Commerce is flawed because it focussed on the exchange and not on the experience. That experience happens to have an exchange of product(s) within it. And this is the reason why the market needs to move to a better form of commerce, Conversational Commerce. With conversational commerce, no longer would be the product or its price be at the centre. Conversational commerce help sellers to focus on the one thing that would give them greater scope of differentiation — customer experience.

Many companies have realised that customer experience is the key and have deployed a start-from-scratch strategy of building mobile apps. We believe that this strategy is not a sustainable one and that there are much better platforms (Messaging Apps) to interact with customers.

We, at MindIQ, understand how crucial customer conversations are. We therefore have built a platform, over Messaging Apps, which enables businesses to build their own ChatBots without prior programming experience. These bots understand customers’ preferences and personalise suggestions using proprietary algorithm — CBPredictor. Here’s a snapshot of what your business should expect by partnering with us.

CBPredictor helping businesses deliver a memorable customer experience
Bot displaying menu

Looks Cool? Want to build one yourself? No programming experience? Here’s how.

Check out our video or request for a free demo. Let’s partner to give customers what they really want — A seller who listens to their needs.

