Why is Conversational Commerce the future?

Mounish Kothapally
MindIQ Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2016

Messaging has evolved from a simple social conversation to a top habit in our lives. Messaging is one of the most natural interaction models on the smartphone, which is evident with the wild success of messaging apps to date. When you think about your own mobile activity, I can almost guarantee that texting and messaging friends and family is done on a daily -if not hourly - basis.

With over three billion global users on top four messaging apps beating users on social networks hands-down, messaging is the single biggest opportunity for brands to engage with its customers and is now possible through Facebook Messenger for Business and other messaging platforms.

Messaging Apps are now bigger than Social networks (Business Insider*)

Mobile apps are a critical part of our lives, but most consumer brands have not implemented successful mobile apps till date, shockingly with low ROI on all efforts. Consumers view downloading an app as a really high commitment and are even more particular about what they keep on their home screen.

Mobile advertising on the other hand has not delivered for consumer brands other than shooting up their CAC/LTV ratio’s. Instead of hoping consumers download - and keep - apps or interrupting consumers lives through daily targeted offers, brands should engage with consumers on the channels that they are already on: messaging apps.

Through Chat-bots on messaging channels, brands will be able to provide in-store associate experience on-demand and at scale. Consumer looking for anything from a shirt to a flight ticket will able to get a personalized recommendation based on bi-directional conversation and user behaviour.

How brands are using Messaging apps to reach more customers (KPCB Internet trends 2016*)

For Brands, in an increasingly competitive app market with high churn rates, it is only natural that businesses of all kinds latch on to messaging services and use AI to increase loyalty and engagement through personalized recommendations. This trend is of particular interest to us at MindIQ because our product is centered around driving loyalty and engagement using AI, effectively reducing the CAC and improving LTV for the brand.

For Consumers, being able to interact with brands via Messaging would provide obvious benefits: highly personal support instantly; all communication kept within a single thread eliminating the need to dig up multiple emails or notes from calls; the need for calls and interaction via other customer support channels is eliminated; and anytime, anywhere communication on the app(s) that they are using every day.

MindIQ brings you the quickest solution to on-board and run your business on any conversational platform. Interested? Build your Bot Now
at www.mindiq.in

Learn how to build an E-commerce ChatBot in just 5 minutes.

