10 Reasons Signifies Why Internet of Things(IoT) is Rising Today

Siva Prasad Padhy
Published in
7 min readOct 21, 2019

In the world of science and technology, there is no doubt that people are opting for internet as a mode of communication. It is one such reason that is responsible for bringing millions of people together in a fraction of seconds or sometimes minutes. Talking about the Internet, The Internet of Things (IoT) has become the talk of the town. In near future, it is soon going to grab a strong foothold for all of us and our lives will totally be transformed. It will connect every object in some or the other way to the internet. Whether it is the door for a fridge or the furniture, there will be sensors installed that would measure and send the data to the cloud. In other words, our Mother Nature would Turn out to be Smart Nature soon.

Why IoT?

To convert education in a way that it would utilize knowledge and technology both together would making the learning resource a lot more powerful. With the scope of IoT for students, there will be more learning that would be simple and fast as well. It offers better community acceptance, strong impact and even the quality result because of which, students will not feel disappointed at any point in time. It is certainly a path-breaking yet an everlasting solution one can opt for. But here are few things that you need to know if you are planning to make your career with the help of IoT.

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Learn IoT:

  1. Better scope for future Data scientist
  2. Better learning for creators each day:
  3. Better encouragement:
  4. A User friendly programming language:
  5. Affordable Option of learning:
  6. Better Career opportunities
  7. Better understanding on business strategies:
  8. Safe and secure learning Environment
  9. The mobile Era:
  10. Better way to survive and Flourish

10. A better way to survive and Flourish:

By choosing the option of IoT, there are lot many options that are possible in terms of energy conservation, environmental solution and even the transport and traffic option. Students get a better infrastructure facility to learn this subject at the same time new learning opportunities would emerge. It is more like a student living a green lifestyle which can save a lot of money that are till date being spent on the educational programs.

[Related Post: Internet of Things: The reason for future high tech manufacturing firms]

9. The mobile Era:

There is no doubt that mobile era has turned out to be a point of change, development and growth for many. For those learning students it is more beneficial for the fact that it offers quite a lot outsourcing opportunities to make career. With Smartphone being a ruler nowadays, there is a big reason why Internet would be flourishing. The big companies are hiring students with an experience of using IoT since they are hoping to reach many more people through such source. The companies who face customers on regular basis take it as a challenge which they make sure they do in the right possible manner.

8. Safe and secure learning Environment

Student’s security is the primary concern for anyone. Certainly, to have the safest and secure environment, you as a parent would want to look around for better infrastructure facility and good learning solution. If you admit your child for learning IoT, it can be the bliss for them. Generally the course where such option is advised is well integrated with cameras, RFIDs, and better monitoring devices.

7. A better understanding of business strategies:

For those students who look forward to come up with their own business shall certainly take a course in this topic. The reason is, since e-commerce is a platform which offers better convenience through desktop and phones, choosing this solution for business purpose are always beneficial. Thus, it allows the students to gain a knowledge on how to come up with efficient business tragedies that would help them grow in the competitive market environment.

6. Better Career Opportunities:

Internet has become the ultimate platform for any kind of business irrespective of location and industrial sector. However, to make the right use of internet it is equally important to understand the right techniques. With IoT training, students get to know essential tips and tricks. This way whether they want to start their own business or go with a better plan to start with their own business, this is worth the time to be invested in. this way, and it allows the students know:

  • The right use of internet
  • How to target the right set of audience
  • Make the use of data that gets generated
  • Access and maintain the data and use it as and when required

5. Affordable Option of learning:

At a learning age, you need to think of choices that would offer more knowledge than the price. IOT though is a trending concept but the best part is this concept is available at a great pricing. Keeping the cost of services and components in mind, you might wonder if it is a costly affair. However, the fact is the scenario is entirely different. Rather, it is one of the cost-friendly solutions you can choose in terms of learning. With wide range of topics that are being covered, you can get trained in IoT at a great pricing that you may not find in any other course. In the learning course, there will be some of the exercises that would be given.

It shall definitely be the most excellent course to choose. Besides, it allows you to explore hardware and learn more about it and know how can you make it easier. This way, it gives you a better scope of coding and hardware.

4. A User-friendly programming language:

When it comes to learning IoT students have to expect using different tools and programming language that can be used in near future. The fact is coding is one of the most common ways that offers better techniques to be used on the internet. Since IoT includes the most user-friendly tools, it is easy to reach and the device’s usability along with the internet is quite a lot. This means you don’t really have to be worried if you are actually going to learn anything or not, since it offers an incredible scope of learning.

You will find the content that has been created for this topic a lot more detailed and informative. There are different basics which are covered such as C language, hardware, networking to name a few. Of course, the sufficient explanation is also offered for such option.

3. Better encouragement:

In this competitive world, you might wonder if it is a right choice to be made in terms of career opportunity or not. But the fact is, if you want to grow in this competitive market, the internet is the best platform to choose. With so many people that get connected with each other, to make the right use of tools, software and tutorials are quite easy and this is the main reason why each day many students think of this option. Furthermore, there is no looking back once you enter this field. It gives you wide array of opportunities that you may not find anywhere. This is the main reason of encouragement which students find when they opt for such type of career option.

2. Better learning for creators each day:

For those who have been promoting IoT needs to understand that once they learn it, their journey does not stop here. Rather, it is more creative option for children and there is nothing better than learning and exploring the applications. Since it offers better communication and decision making solution, learners become more confident to represent themselves. It is the best opportunity for the career-oriented students since they can build, control and even understand the system on its own.

Choosing such career platform has no death or ending. The more such students learn the concepts, the better they understand that there are more things to explore. It thus, keeps the tech-friendly people get more engagement to new techniques understanding. It is a better platform to come up with own creativity and showcase the talent. There has been so many unedifying obsession with regards to technology. Students have better opportunity to blend it well with the internet and come up with their very own concept. This is the main reason why it is advised to opt for IoT learning.

1. Better scope for future Data scientist

One of the unavoidable parts of the web is the information science and examination. For every information arrangement that is being made and created, there must be the best information to be made. If you are planning to be a data scientist in near future, this is the right scope to opt for since it will give you the right map of things associated with the web.

Certainly, IOT has got a lot more scope for the students in terms of making career and even explore more opportunities if starting up with own business. It is one of the perfect walls that build the gap between the physical location, geography, language and even the status at an economic level. Often we wonder whether blending education with technology can work. But with IoT, it is certainly possible.



Siva Prasad Padhy

A passionate Content Developing strategist who ensures that a consistent brand message is delivered to the audience.