DevOps Concepts: What is Containerization?

In this article we will know about What is Containerization & types of Containerization in DevOps.

Akanaksha L
4 min readDec 10, 2019


Image Credits: Shutterstock

Containerization in DevOps:

Containerization is a lightweight alternative to a virtual machine that involves encapsulating an application in a container with its own operating system. A container takes its meaning from the logistics term, packaging container.

They enable developers to work with identical development environments and stacks. But they also facilitate DevOps by encouraging the use of stateless designs.

let us take a look at all possible DevOps tools available in the space of Containerization, for consumption by Organizations.

Types of Containerization DevOps Tools:

1. Marathon:

Marathon, an Apache Meso’s framework that was designed solely to manage containers can make your life pretty easy. In comparison to the other prevailing orchestration solutions such as Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, Marathon will allow and ensure that you will be able to scale your container infrastructure by just automating most of the management and also the monitoring tasks.


  • Apache Mesos Marathon ensures super ultra-high availability. Marathon software will let you run multiple schedules at the same point in time as if one goes down, the system will still keep ticking showing that there is nothing that can stop it. Docker Swarm and Kubernetes also promise high availability, but Marathon takes this to the next level.
  • Marathon has multiple CLI clients that can be separately installed along with Marathon. These CLI clients give you loads of options for managing or scripting the tool in a varied number of complex ways.
  • It is very easy to run locally for development purposes as against for Kubernetes.

2. Fleet:

CoreOS Container Linux is said to be the topping the charts in the space of Container Operating Systems — which are by default designed to be managed and to be run at humongous scales with the least possible or minimal operational overhead. Applications with the Container Linux run inside these containers and provide a developer-friendly set of tools for the software deployments.


  • CoreOS claims that the configuration values are distributed within the cluster for applications to read them and these values can be programmatically changed, smart applications can reconfigure these automatically. The basis on this point, you will never have to run Chef on all the machines to change just a single configuration value.
  • CoreOS provides you with the highest possible availability with a relatively lower price
  • CoreOS lets you maintain different versions of software on machines, and upgrading these machines is done without any downtime at all.

3. Swarm:

Docker Swarm is native clustering for Docker. It turns a pool of Docker hosts into a single, virtual Docker host. A swarm contains more than more than one Docker hosts that run in the Swarm mode, it acts as managers to manage the membership and workers which would then run the Swarm services.


  • Starting with Docker Engine 1.12, Docker Swarm is completely available alongside with Docker.
  • If you use the latest Docker, then the Swarm setup is already done for you in the latest versions.
  • Docker Swarm is easily integrated with Docker, it hooks directly into the Docker API and then is compatible with all of the Docker’s tools.

4. Docker Hub:

The Docker Hub can be very easily defined as a Cloud repository in which Docker users and partners create, test, store and also distribute Docker container images. Through the use of Docker Hub, a user can very easily access public, open source image repositories and at the same time — use the same space to create their own private repositories as well.


  • Forms the central repository for all the public and private images created by the users
  • Provides central access to all the available Public docker images
  • Users can safely create their own private docker images and save them under the same central repository, the docker hub.

5. Packer:

Packer is a free and an open source software that finds its usage to create identical machine images or containers for a various platform from a singly available source configuration.

Having pre-baked machine images is very advantageous because to create them scratch is a very tedious task. There were not as many tools earlier that could perform this task, and even if there exists such a software or a tool — then there would have been a huge learning curve that gets associated with it.

Packer encourages modern configuration machines using frameworks like Chef or Puppet to install and also to configure this software that you are planning to Packer-made images.


  • Packer ensure that the infrastructure deployment process is done at a super-fast pace
  • Packer ensures multi-provider portability, meaning it creates identical images for various other platforms that it supports. Using this, a Production setup can run on an AWS, Staging / QA might run on something like OpenStack and may be the development on Desktop Virtualization solutions.

Wait, Do you want to continue reading?

Here is the complete article:

Top 10 Open Source Containerization DevOps Tools

Hope you have found this brief article useful. Do let me know if there are any room for improvements.



Akanaksha L

Am a tech enthusiast & I love writing about technology, gadgets & day to day updates about new programming languages.