Trust me.

Laura Jane
MindMapper Collective
3 min readJun 30, 2021

Trust me.

Something I’m sure you’ve heard once or twice before. Regardless of these words being thrown around, they are empty and hollow as a statement. Trust is not something you can just request in an instant but is something that is created through actions over time.

Trust me.

Trust is something that is vital within the stability of our mental health. If we don’t trust ourselves, how can we trust others? If we can’t trust others, how can we trust ourselves? It seems like a two way street.

When trust is broken, it’s harder to be regained because we live in a world where what we see is truth until proven otherwise. Try to remember back to the first time you realised something was a lie. How did that change how you viewed the world?

Back when I was 11, I walked into the kitchen when my brother denoted the words ‘Santa is not real’. Words that in my 11 year old mind, would never be in a sentence together. (Yes, I was 11. I was a late believer). To me, this was a shock. Something that I had always seen as truth, suddenly didn’t even exist. Trying to get your head around something like that is hard enough and something that impacts us without even knowing.

As a kid you never doubt what you are told. You believe in truth. You learn over time that lies exist and that the words ‘trust me’ are thrown around way more often as you get older, in an attempt to regain what you once had. Trust.

Trust me.

Now I know that the example of Santa has passed being useful in the adolescent world but this is the same trust that is broken in relationships, with friendships, family, at work and even online. And this is where it starts to impact how you see the world.

What makes the things I say important? Why should you believe me when I speak my truth?

Online, it has become progressively worse at holding the true ideal of a person – the perfect person. The person you should want to be. Online has so many confusing things floating around it’s hard to keep up and take in everything fully. It has people with opinions, people that frame their opinions as facts, and believe it or not people with one or two actual facts.

Trust me.

So why should you trust me and what I say regarding your mental health?

In short, you shouldn’t.

Don’t trust me, trust yourself! Everything I ever write is my opinion that I’ve formed from my experiences that in turn form my view. It’s another perspective. Does it make it true for you? Well that’s up to you! If you trust yourself and what you believe to be truth – then it’s the truth.

Trust should not be a glass door standing alone – easily smashed and never to be fixed. It should be a glass door supported by bricks and screws and everything else you give it, to make sure it stays in place. You need to trust yourself to open and shut the door on people, opinions and situations you find yourself in. Don’t let others be in control of opening and shutting your door because if they shut it too hard, then the glass might smash.

Trust me.

Trust is such a fragile thing, build it within yourself and trust your own judgements – don’t trust what I say just because I choose to speak. Trust what you believe to be trust.

Trust YOU!

With love,

Laura x

MindMapper UK and DigInBox are bringing you, The Festival You Didn’t Know You Needed on October 8th:



Laura Jane
MindMapper Collective

Teaching Assistant in the South — Lover of writing, blogging and all things TV and Film. Aspiring writer and hopeful to write something worth reading! :)