Sketchnotes from MTP Engage 2018

Tim Schurig


For this year´s MTP Engage in Hamburg (still and again the best product management conference in Germany) we invented the “Colouring Book for Product People”, a (hopefully) fun and easy way to start taking visual notes for the participants. Here you´ll find my own sketchnotes of the talks as well as some direct links to videos of the talks.

Gods, Super Heroes & Product Managers

by randy silver

Don´t join the cult

by Paul Adams

Owning Agile

by Jeff Patton

Follow your Customer, Ignore the Hype

by Emil Martinsek

Im agilen Dschungel

by Christian Becker

Selbstorganisation: funktioniert das wirklich und wenn ja wie?

by Kamila Stanitzek

Clumsy Colossus or Gentle Giant?

by Julia Whitney (@_whitneyand)

Democratizing online controlled experiments @

by Lukas Vermeer (@lukasvermeer)



Tim Schurig

Product & Graphic Facilitation @mindmatters in Hamburg, core contributor @theproductfield