Gunfire Reborn First Impressions: FPS Roguelite Dungeon Crawler

MindMine TV
Published in
5 min readJun 16, 2020
MindMine via YouTube

An FPS Roguelite Dungeon Crawler with RPG and Looter Shooter elements. Dive into environments like dark temples and scorching deserts, all while trying to survive.

This is Gunfire Reborn …

In this Early Access title, you’ll be traveling through various indoor and outdoor environments, taking on a wide array of enemies. From longbowmen and shielded horse terracotta statues to fire-flinging coyotes and ground-pounding bosses, the enemies just keep coming. Lucky for you, Gunfire Reborn gives you a huge arsenal to use against them. There are over 100 items and weapons to find, a permanent talent tree to enhance, and a temporary Ascension skill tree to level up.

Even though there is a huge arsenal for you to use, don’t get too comfortable as if you die, your temporary skill tree will reset, all your items, except your basic gun, will be lost and you’ll have to start the levels over again.

Now that we’ve gone through the summary of Gunfire Reborn, let’s start getting into the specifics. First, let’s breakdown the two current playable characters, their skill trees, and the permanent talent tree.

When you start the game, you’ll be playing as the mysterious alchemist from the Spirit Realm. As this character is a mystical alchemist, he has a magical energy orb he can launch at enemies as well as corrosive smoke grenades. Once you reach level 30, you’ll unlock the next character, Ao Bai. He’s a master of explosions and firearms. This character has a time-limited ability to dual-wield both of his weapons and has explosive grenades he can throw about.

Both heroes have a specific hero skill branch that is a part of the Permanent Talent Tree of the player.

In the Permanent Talent Tree, you’ll have 4 distinct branches:

1. Expedition — Which involves skills like obtaining bonus soul essence that can then be applied to level up your talent in the Permanent Talent Tree.

2. Survival — Involving talents to boost health, shields, and the speed to which you can revive allies.

3. Battle — This branch includes boosting ammo capacity and damage output

4. Hero — For the alchemist, skills can increase Energy Orb recovery and Smoke Grenade radius. For Ao Bai, you can increase things like explosive grenade damage and all damage while dual-wielding.

As this is the Permanent Talent Tree, on death, this will not be reset, and you’ll be able to put any soul essence from your previous run into the talents of this tree.

While this talent tree is meant to boost broader aspects of gameplay, there is also the Temporary Character Ascension Skill Tree.

Whenever you survive a section of the level you’re in, you’ll be able to open a blue chest. These chests have ammo, grenades, and a goblet. Once you accept the goblet, three skill enhancer options will appear. Some options are taking less damage from enemies when standing in your own smoke grenade as the alchemist or increasing the number of elemental damage enemies take.

These enhancements, as mentioned prior, are temporary, so on death, they will reset.

Next, let’s briefly discuss weapons and items.

Weapons randomly drop in different levels and are broken down between 7 different categories:

  1. Rifle
  2. Submachine Gun
  3. Pistol
  4. Shotgun
  5. Sniper
  6. Launcher
  7. Injector

Each weapon has its own unique animation, sound, look, associated elemental damage type, and special traits. Weapon drops also have random stats that can be attached to them as well. For example, the Cavalry burst rifle does a three-shot burst, and the third shot auto-crits on hit but each drop of this weapon could have random stat effects such as a temporary increase of the rate of fire after a kill.

As mentioned prior, weapons can also have an elemental damage type connected to them. Fire creates a burning-effect that damages enemies over time, electricity does additional damage to shields, and corrosive damages enemies over-time while slowing their movement speed.

Though these weapons can be a lot of fun to use, and there are plenty of enemies to fight, you’ll want to make sure to be mindful of the shots you take. Ammo reserves are limited between the 3 ammo types (Normal, Special, Heavy) and you can only use one specific ammo type per weapon.

Have a weapon that you like but would like some stats slightly tweaked or have the damage output increased? Make sure to keep an eye out for the Craftsman, who can hook you up if you’ve got the gold.

Beyond weapon, ammo and grenade drops, you’ll also come across Occult Scrolls. These scrolls can be another way of enhancing your character and gameplay during your current run. For example, you may come across a scroll, that when in your inventory, will enhance your movement speed temporarily after a kill.

These scrolls will drop from enemies or be obtained by Vaults. Vaults are like bonus areas that you can access by shooting at glowing cracks in the wall. You’ll have to face a trial of sorts, whether its environmental-based or enemy based until you reach the end to receive your scroll.

If you do find yourself in need of some additional health, a weapon change out, ammo or grenades, keep an eye out for the Peddler. If you have the gold, the peddler may just have what you need.



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