What is Predator: Hunting Grounds? Before You Buy

MindMine TV
Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2020

A multiplayer asymmetric PvPvE video game by Illfonic — the developers of Friday the 13th: The Game. Enter the wilds as the Apex Hunter, the Predator, to hunt a human 4-man fireteam. Or become a member of the elite fireteam to take on objectives and survive the hunt.

This is Predator: Hunting Grounds.

Before you can enter the Hunting Grounds, you’ll want to set-up character customizations and decide whether you want Crossplay activated or not.

In the Customizations menu, you’ll pick between Predator and Fireteam loadouts. Between the two, you’ll be able to choose classes, weapons, perks, and gear. These are all items that are unlocked over time based on your account level. The only mechanical difference in customizations between Predator and Fireteam is that Fireteam members can add modifications to their weapons based on the level of each weapon. Weapon levels are achieved through how much you use them.

For the Predator, you’ll be able to choose from the Hunter, Scout, and Berserker classes. These classes vary in health, stamina, movement speed, and gear. Once you choose a class, you’ll be able to choose Primary and Secondary weapons which vary between range to melee. You’ll also be able to pick gear such as healing kits and traps. The final choices involve perks. Perks range from taking less damage from bullets to increasing damage from your ranged attacks.

It’s a similar structure for the Fireteam. You first choose between the Assault, Recon, Scout, and Support classes. Just like the Predator classes, the Fireteam classes vary in their Health, Stamina, Movement, and Gear. Once you get to Primary weapon choices, you’ll decide between a few different types of Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles. There is also a special section where you could choose to use a light machine gun or grenade launcher.

For secondary weapon choice, you can pick between pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, and the S-R3D (if you pre-ordered the game). As for the gear, you’ll pick items such as medkits, ammo bags, and frag grenades. From here, you’ll choose perks that range from increased damage to AI to faster movement speed when aiming down sights.

Now we get to the point where the loadout system differs from Predator and Fireteam. At this point, within the Fireteam loadout, you’ll choose weapon modifications. You can choose a suppressor, standard or extended magazines and the type of sight you prefer.

So, what are the actual “hunting grounds” we must explore?

At release, there are currently 3 core maps. They are Overgrowth, Backwater, and Derailed. Each has its own feel with unique points of interest to discover and 3 unique potential locations for the fireteam to spawn in at. Just before you enter these locations, you’ll be randomly assigned a mission with a few different objectives tied to it. Missions range from gathering intel and destroying enemy assets to killing an enemy VIP.

With all of this, just don’t forget that you’ll have a Predator on your heels.

Predator Hunting Grounds can be found on the Epic Game Store and on the Playstation Network. Check it out for yourself by clicking the links below.





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