How to use sudo without having to keep entering a password

Patrick Gichini
Published in
1 min readMar 28, 2019

If you’re like me, that is, ‘a lazy bastard who sometimes skips lunch because the fridge is too far away and who has the time to walk all that distance?’.

You’re probably super annoyed when every time you sudo something on the terminal, you just have to enter a password.

The pain from learning the intense lack of trust between you and your computer is heartbreaking.

‘I’ve had my fingers all over you and you still don’t trust me?’.

Lucky for us lazy folks, there’s a very simple and quick fix for this.

Just open your terminal and type:


You have to be root to run this though.

When the file opens, look where your username is defined and change the line to look like:


Save the file after editing and voila! Thou shall never have to enter a password again while sudo-ing!



Patrick Gichini

Linux Ninja | Data Enthusiast | Sentimental Poet | Agent Boyfriend