Send Mail from your Gmail address using Python

Patrick Gichini
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2019

Howdy Ho!

Yet another sleepy evening and I find myself almost dozing off. Quick! I need something simple but not boring to do!

That’s right, we’ll try to send an email from our Gmail address using Python!

As always, I love making assumptions. I am going to go on ahead and assume that you have Python installed and know how to run Python programs.

The first thing is to create a new project folder of course.

Gmail uses the SMTP protocol to send mail so we’ll need to get the SMTP library for python. We do that by running:

$pip install   smtplib

Once it finishes installing, we can continue.

We begin by importing the smtp library, defining the source and destination addresses, then we define our mail in a json

source = ''
dest = ''
word = "\r\n".join([
"Subject: Buenas dias",
"Yo soy Pato"

Then we proceed to write the code that sends the email

user = ''
passw = 'xxxxxxx'
server = smtplib.SMTP('')
server.sendmail(source, dest, word)

The whole code:

That’s it! Go to your destination and check, you should find a new email.

All code in this article is available on this Github repo.

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Patrick Gichini

Linux Ninja | Data Enthusiast | Sentimental Poet | Agent Boyfriend