The inner ability of introverts make them eminent
The secret power of introverts makes them more productive at work and in personal life. Introverts have cherished ideas that work for them. Introverts’ innate power might be enhanced with mindfulness practice.
Do you like the crowd? Do you feel blurry in groups? Some people don’t like gatherings, they hesitate to speak in public, but it does not mean shyness. If you are the one who likes to work alone, have your thoughts, prefer listening over talk, one-to-one talk, small meetings then Behavior Scientists used a term for your greatness introvert. Bravo! You are an introvert. You are ready, creative. Most of the talented people were introverts. People are extroverts who like gatherings. Extroverts are being strengthened through social media, parties while similar engagements are being heavily taxed for introverts. So after attending a party or other social gathering, you need time alone to “recharge”. Along with haters, there are supporters of introverts. Author Susan Cain suggests several strategies and ideas for introverts to come through in a world created for extroverts.
Okay, let’s talk about introversion. It is a personality trait that focuses on internal emotions rather than external stimuli. We often see introverts and extroverts as two opposites, but the fact is that most people lie somewhere in between. Introverted people are inward turning, or focused more on internal thoughts, feelings, and moods rather than seeking external stimulation. The credit goes to Carl Jung who worked on personality traits. Susan later 2012 published her book, which was an enormous support to introversion. She describes the challenges and advantages of being an introvert, teaches to manage in certain situations, and how to raise introverted children.
It is an energy-based division, some are closed, some are open to the world, some are of another type being an ambivert. Extroverts gain energy from parties but introverts lose their energy later recharge by spending time alone. When you are alone, your mind works fast because you need to use it for every single task. In gathering brain works sluggishly because you are following others. In lower grades, all of us have studied biology; we know the term stimulus, something that rouses or incites to activity. Introverts are sensitive to take action. Extroverts are resistant and they need powerful stimuli.
Let’s explore the quiet power of introverts
For the last 2 decades, teamwork practically replaced independent work. Children now learn in groups. Ideas are evolved out in brainstorming sessions. Smart talkers are considered. Employees are hired for “people skills,” and the offices are designed to be open and interactive. It is the current situation, it is the world where the extroverts live and enjoy. In Susan’s point of view, it’s only worked to damage innovation and productivity. Because high-quality ideas take time, and during brainstorming, modest quality ideas are shaped. There are few Questions extroverts usually ask; Susan Cain responded to them briefly.
Truly introverted or extroverted:
Introverts are silent, they don’t need high stimulation to take action, while extroverts need strong stimulation to feel their best. Stimulation has various forms; social stimulation, but also lights, noise, and so on. Introverts even salivate more than extroverts do if you place a drop of lemon juice on their tongues! So an introvert is more likely to enjoy a quiet glass of wine with a close friend than a loud, raucous party full of strangers.
Introverts or Extroverts: Society
In our society, the ideal self is bold. A Question from Quora revealed how an introvert was a victim.
In America, being an introvert is like having a disease. As if “quiet” and “reserved” is a synonym for illness and outsider.
My mind still saves the snapshots, little memories, a collection of all the things I’ve ever been told for simply being . . . me.
I still remember the time my math teacher asked me why I never talked in class.
I still remember that classmate who questioned why I never held conversations with my teachers.
I still remember the way they used to whisper in the back of the classrooms as if I was not right there, sitting right in front of them; does she ever laugh? Does she ever smile? I remember going home and having no one to express these feelings too, because what college would accept a quiet girl and what parent wants to hear their child never speaks in class?
I still remember that time I told the private school interviewer that I was an introvert. I remember how I confessed to someone, for the first time, that society does not favor my personality. I remember, for the first time, someone agreeing with me.
I still remember the constant need for smiling, just to remind them that I was, indeed, somewhat like the rest of them.
I remember the countless times jokes were made about my introversion. I remember the countless times teachers never understood that I do not learn by participation.
I remember tons of other introverts, but I always seemed to be the most introverted one
Many introverts feel there’s something amiss with them and try to move as extroverts. But whenever you try to become what you’re not, you lose a part of yourself. You especially lose a sense of how to spend your time. Introverts constantly attend parties, join squads instead of doing quiet activities, home reading, studying, inventing, meditating, designing, thinking, cooking, or doing other worthwhile activities.
Susan Cain said;
It’s never a good idea to organize society in a way that depletes the energy of half the population. We discovered this with women decades ago, and now it’s time to realize it with introverts.
Cons of Teamwork:
It is all obvious there are a lot of benefits to doing work in a team. Business people must build teams to work fast. It is hard to believe there are pitfalls group-work, Susan Cain said;
When you’re working in a group, it’s hard to know what you think. We are social animals that naturally imitate the opinions of others, often without realizing we are doing it. And when we don’t consciously agree, we pay a psychological price. Gregory Burns, a neuroscientist at Emory University, found that people who do not disagree with group intelligence promote mental activity in the amygdala, which is linked to the stigma of social rejection. Burns calls it the “pain of separation.”
Successful Introverts:
Another misconception people have; introverts can not be outstanding leaders. According to Adam Grant;
Introverted leaders sometimes deliver better outcomes than extroverts do.
In business, introverted employees must be hired, they will run projects with their talent. They have leadership skills; they always go through before work and are not be motivated by ego or desire, and you need such a leader if you are in business. Eleanor Roosevelt and Rosa Parks were all introverts. And so are many of today’s business leaders, from Douglas Conant of Campbell Soup to Larry Page at Google.
It is mandatory to be having introversion or extraversion. This is not an innate ability but somehow it is, it is just a behavior. We can be extroverts or introverts at the same. We lie in between. But being purely introverted has significant benefits. Author Susan Cain helped us to understand productivity. Making your child introvert would not give you regret.