#50 — Takeaways from Google I/O 2018

Dharmesh Basapati
Published in
9 min readMay 9, 2018

If you have missed the keynote, just like me, then you don’t wanna miss this time !!!

Now it becomes a tradition and ritual for developers all over the globe to wait for this huge event organized by Google Inc. -for the developers-by the developers and everything for the developers and the users of Android and Google Products famously known as Google I/O 2018 at Shoreline Amphitheater in Google Headquarters.

But not everyone gets this awesome opportunity to attend the Keynote and get insights about Google Innovations and Products for real. Which motivates me to bring every nuances of this huge event into my article and present it to the world.

Let’s get right into the key points that matters the most for you and all others.

Take#1 : Starting off with an exciting movie!!!

Just like all the previous years of Google I/O , this year is no different for starting this keynote with an exciting mini animated movie which shows very brilliant concept displayed and acted by some colorful and vibrant cube-shaped things doing things together to make the world around them more convenient and hassle-free for living and also resembling what Google Products and Innovation does help in our lives and day to day activities.

Very creatively designed and curated movie before starting something huge and for welcoming the CEO of Google — Sundar Pichai.

It’s getting really very excited everytime when Sundar Pichai — The CEO starts off with this line — “Welcome to Google I/O 2018” — with the crowd cheering and applauding the CEO in the audience.

Take#2 : Firstly let’s resolve the major bug we have !!!

And this is getting really serious when you have a major bug in one of the emojis i.e the burger emoji with wrong placement of cheese slice in the burger and as we know Google fixed it before anything else and released a perfect emoji to use.

But the even more interesting thing happened that no one noticed but get into Sundar’s attention which is — an another emoji with a very silly bug in designing which eventually got resolved and cleared.

Take#3 : Bringing Digital Skills around the world !!!

Google as a responsible organization with its huge impact on billions of people all over the globe continuously provide education and skills related to digital environment and information management in this fast changing market. They basically wants to make information easy, accessible and beneficial to each and every user of this world by educate them using their smart workforce and associations around the world.

Take#4 : Gmail Redesigned with something cool and intuitive !!!


We all use Gmail for sending and receiving e-mails and important files and documents. But how cool it will be to refurnish or re-innovate something like COMPOSE feature of Gmail using AI and machine learning which they come up with and called it SMART COMPOSE.

What is does is help you compose your email much much faster then earlier using machine learning to identify and suggest phrases what you are going to type in that particular line. And it will definitely save tiring and sometimes boring activity of writing long emails makes user focus more on completion of their content.

Take#5 : Google Photos App made more genius and crazy !!!

Here are the list of amazing things which can happen in the new Google Photos App with the help of AI and Machine Learning :

  1. Smart Suggestion about sharing related images with someone in just one click while scrolling through your camera roll.
  2. Smart Suggestion like Fix the Brightness of the particular image.
  3. And the best one — now it recognizes images having some document in it and suggest users to fix the document and even convert it into PDF format and save it for later use.
  4. It will also suggest to beautify the images using custom effects and settings.
  5. You can even now convert your black and white images into color ones using smart suggestions — don’t know how that can be possible — crazy that is !!!

Take#6 : Voice and Visual Assistance in One Smart Display !!!

Hope you all use Google Assistant — the voice assistant in your Android and iPhone devices and it really presents a whole new tangent to the digital ecosystem. But this time Google is coming up with something they call SMART DISPLAYS which is basically a combination of Voice Assistant plus Visual Assistant in one single display at your table.

Now you can ask Google for a recipe of something on this smart device and it will come up with Voice Assistant assisting you with step by step process and simultaneously you can even watch the smart device for Visual Assistance through video instructions. Now, this is something intuitive and fun to use.

Take#7 : Google Assistant will now make a real call for you !!!

And this is real game changing moment as Google Assistant can not only dial a call for you but also make a call and talk to someone on a phone, if you are super busy. They call it Google Duplex— which is the fusion and result of Nature Language understanding, Deep Learning and Text-to-speech technology. Amazing, Right.

Take#8 : Android Dashboard !!!

Yes, you read it correctly. Android Dashboard — the one spot in your device which displays and previews all your daily statistics regarding your usage of the mobile hours, number of notifications that you receive, number of times you open a particular app in a day and more interesting stats like these in one dashboard for much better user-experience without any hassle.

Take#9 : Google News gets more new features !!!

This is for old classic uncles and news-readers and newspaper lovers who love to read latest and interesting news all day long in their devices. Google News will now fueled up with some more immersive and proactive features such as :

  • Keep up with news you care about
  • Understand the full story
  • Enjoy and Support the news sources you love

Take#10 : Android P — with AI in its core !!!

This is Android’s 10th Year from its inception and Google come up with another alphabet for Android i.e Android ‘P’.

Now Android P, as we all know, has tons and tons of new advancements and changes taken over from its predecessors OREO. But the three main focal points of Android P are :

  • Intellegence
  • Simplicity
  • Digital Well-being

To improve battery usage and screen brightness they have come up Adaptive Battery(which learns user’s actions and adapt battery accordingly) and Adaptive Brightness(Which learns user’s environment and activities to adjust the screen brightness).

App Actions : With this feature the OS learns about user’s preferences and displays apps and future actions that he or she can take in their devices.

Slices : New set of APIs which help developers to display their App’s content in a SLICE in multiple useful places like Search options and so on.

ML Kit : Google is now providing ML Kit aka Machine Learning Kit for developers to learn and implement ML in their Apps.

And Android P comes up with ton loads of features and improvements :

Then they come up with something they call Digital Well-being which basically makes the user experience with their devices in their daily routine for more convenient and super easy engagements.

This is how they are going to help users in Digital Well-being :

  • Dashboard : Shows statistics about how long you are using the device, and how many notifications you got, or how many times you have unlocked your phone and so on.
  • App Timer : Now you can set some time for particular app, so that you don’t go on using any app longer than normal.
  • Updated do not disturb : Just turn your phone upside down for no disturbance of any kind from your phone.
  • Wind Down : Set your time for sleeping at night, and it will turn your display gray-scale so that you no longer use your phone in nights when you should focus on a deep sleep instead.

Take#11 : Google Maps — Improved a bit lot !!!

Google Maps now introduced a new FOR YOU tab where you can find matches, results and cards actually and especially customized for you and you as a user can get tons of choices to customize maps and its preferences according to your choices.

Find more places that you would love to visit. Share the results in maps with your friends directly. You can now even vote in real time in the app itself regarding some dinner idea that you friend made for tonight.

Take#12 : Google Camera now more smarter than ever !!!

Now this is cool when Google updates its camera features with machine learning and AI technology straight into the Camera App.

Now you can directly know(gazing from camera view) about some place or restaurant or street in which you are roaming for get insightful information for making a more smarter decision. It is a combination of Google Street-view and Maps in Camera App where you can rethink about walking navigation in a cherished way.

Take#13 : Google Lens — all about deep neural thing!!!

They made Google Lens more smarter using Machine Learning Techniques and AI Concepts.

Smart Text Selection — Now you can Copy-Paste text from images and have it on your clipboard for further use, if any.

Style Match — Finds and recognizes similar items in the image itself and presents in front of you similar looking items to go for and do something with them.

Real-time Results — The Lens proactively recognizes nuances of the scene it is focusing on and generating results in the background.

Take#14 : Waymo — Self Driving Cars !!!

Waymo — The one of its kind — the self driving cars assisted by Google and its technologies behind will now be available with less accident rates and other minute incidents.

It covers four basic things for a self-driving cars:

  • Perception
  • Prediction
  • Decision making
  • Mapping

And this is really it !!!

They have loads of new features and advancements to offer. But the core of everything at this point of time in Google is Machine Learning, AI and Deep Learning.

What do you think of all the new changes and features that Google came up with?

Feel free to post it in comments and we will love to talk on your comments and feedback.

Kudosss to Google Again !!!

