Abbreviations and Cool terms in the programming world

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4 min readSep 15, 2016

There are a couple of abbreviations that we programmers use. I have been collecting these since some time. Few abbreviations are fairly common but few you do not find them so easily. Every abbreviation and term has detailed meaning which is really helpful if you follow. This post is kind of lookup post which you can use for reference. It is not an alternative for design patterns. Simply few principles and abbreviations/terms.

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KISS — Keep it Simple Stupid

If you have not heard about this, take note now and never ever ever forget this one. You will encounter KISS quite a times in programming world. This principle applies to every aspect of life not only programming, Alas; hardly people follow it. Remember simplicity is hard to obtain, Cut the crap and focus on what is simple to use. Users love simplicity :) Whatsapp is probably the best example anyone can relate it to.

DRY — Do not Repeat Yourself

If you are copy-pasting code internally your project, take a break and admit you f**ked up! Modularity and Readability must be the at-most priority. Do not think about compiler will understand or not OR what will computer think! A computer will manage, don’t worry. Never Copy paste. Try to follow a Unit rule. Even though you are writing or not test cases for your project, keep TDD (test driven development) in mind. In addition, modular code increases your appetite for beer :) cheers!

SRP — Single Responsibility Principle AND SOC — Separation of concern

This is another name of cohesive coding. Always aim for as small as possible classes and functions. Assign them one functionality. If ever you find yourself in a situation you can break a class into two, skip your lunch and do it first. If you can break your class into more than 2, you don’t deserve lunch actually but it is okay, you can have lunch and come back and correct it. It helps you in TDD as well. Maintainability, Readability, Scalability are free gifts of SRP.

CRUD — Create, Read, Update and Delete

A simple way of testing whether you have provided all functionality OR not. In addition, it looks cool while discussing with others :)

SOS — Screen of Shame

This one and next is my favorite. Every project must have this SOS which bluntly shows few practical statistics and openly makes you proud OR shame. Mobile OS these days show this ‘screen of shame’. You can easily see how much battery your app is consuming, how much bandwidth your app is eating etc.

This can vary depends on your business as well. For example, a deal app can have a target of ‘showing 50 deals’ per transaction on average, Now ‘SOS- Screen of Shame’ can show statistics weekly, fortnight, monthly. I find it a fun way to improve your overall system.


Not many programmers use it OR have heard about it. This is my favorite. You can use it to tell one system to kill itself. For example, your USER module web service is behaving weird OR going slow, you can call POISON-PILL API to restart it OR dump all garbage OR whatever you want it to do. It is fancy and helps you have a good conversation with that girl you have been thinking since last quarter.

YAGNI — You are not gonna need It

Usually, we say we should be prepared for scale in the programming world. This term says ‘Be smart, do not be over smart’, Do not include a library because you happen to find it. Do not use that new technology because it is suddenly everywhere on blogs. Do not dump anything inside your codebase and make it slower than your super awesome running speed which you have been imagining since 8th grade. “USE technology which you understand and need” If you are unsure, ignore it for now.

Yea, that's it! I have been collecting these for a long time and could not find more to add here. If you have some which you think it worth candidate, do not be shy. Share with me, I will add with your name in GOLDEN letters.

Last but not least,

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