Flutter — Getting started with VSCode setup for Mac

Chandrasekar Kuppusamy
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2018


I know VS code has become popular amongst developers. Is that because it is colorful? Nope! I don’t think so, but something lite for the hassle free development, Isn’t ?. Alright, lets see how to play with VSCode for Flutter development in few steps

STEP 1: Visit the official setup page for flutter https://flutter.io/setup-macos/

STEP 2: Download the flutter_macos_v0.5.1-beta.zip file

STEP 3: Copy the path of a file where downloaded contents exists ( In my case ,it is default downloads folder) i.e ~/Downloads/

STEP 4: Now unzip the file using below command in your root folder and take a break.

unzip ~/Downloads/flutter_macos_v0.5.1-beta.zip

Pefect ! Now flutter should have been configured on your home location.

STEP 5: Add the below export PATH statement in ~/.zshrc (Zsh users) or $HOME/.bash_profile

export PATH=$HOME/flutter/bin:$PATH

Tip : I use Zsh with iTerm2 and my file looks like below

export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdkexport PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/binexport PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Library/Android/sdk/platform-toolsexport PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Library/Android/sdk/toolsexport PATH=$HOME/flutter/bin:$PATH

STEP 7: Save the changes and close the terminal once (It’s very important)

STEP 6: Now, run flutter run command to ensure flutter is configured successfully ( If your installation is complete, then you shouldn’t get command flutter not found exception )

STEP 7: Go to Extensions, type Flutter , Install and Reload.

STEP 8: Now that all Flutter commands should have linked on your Command palette.

Happy Coding! Welcome to the world of fluttering :-)



Chandrasekar Kuppusamy

Head of Engineering @Frontier, Open source contributor, Blogger, Tech speaker, Freemarker expert, Traveler