How to become Android Expert

Sunil Kuntal
Published in
4 min readAug 17, 2017

This section is in continuation of my first article A.D.S.-001 where we defined our learning goal. Now questions is how to achieve this goal. Lets work on it. Learning plan that we will follow is simple and already encouraged by many Android experts.(Watch this Video of Chiu-Ki Chan)

Learning Plan (Learn -> Apply -> Share)

Plan is simple but you need to keep in mind that you need not to learn everything but whatever you learn you should know it very well. Let’s go deeper and see what need to be done in each step.

Step 1 : Learn

  1. Videos : It depends person to person but for me best way to learn is through videos. Watch and subscribe videos available for your topic on YouTube. Below are some of the best channels to subscribe.

2. Podcast : Keep podcast in your phones and listen while traveling to save your time. Follow these two sites for podcast.

3. Blogs and websites :

Step 2 : Apply


Apply your learning in a sample project. Also read open source code related to your learning topic.

Refer below link for best open source project.

Step 3 : Share

More you read more you learn , more you share more you earn

More you collaborate and share , more you will have web presence , developer friends and deeper learning . Now its time whatever you learned , you can share it as a blog post or YouTube video. You can also contribute on forums like stack overflow and github open source projects. You can also take part in devCons and share your knowledge on developer meetups.

Stay Updated Stay Connected :

Learning is a continuous process and technology is changing swiftly . You need to update yourself regularly.

Follow : Follow at least 5 Android experts.

Subscribe :

Join Communities : Join at least 2–3 developer communities

Finally lets do some home work and go through below links . It will help us to accelerate in learning process.

Coding Guidelines

Android Studio tips and Shortcuts

In next section We will define the modern App package Structure. I encourage you to follow this series . Be sure to 👏 below to recommend this article. It means a lot to me. Your Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Next Section :

Also, Let’s become friends on Linkedin , Facebook and Twitter



Sunil Kuntal

Android lead, Unlocking Metaverse . Believe in learning and sharing. Figuring out ways to contribute back to society