Java Memory Management

Alankar Gupta
Published in
5 min readAug 24, 2018

While we often work on many java applications little do we know about the management JVM does on it’s own to make stuff easy for us so that we can focus on things that we do best, develop awesome Applications.

Unlike C, C++ in Java we have Garbage collector to save us from cleaning up the table after we’ve dined. This section explains in brief about the memory management in Java.

There are two parts in memory management

  1. How is memory allocated and referenced.
  2. How is memory cleared and become available for allocation again.

Let’s look at the first one..

Overall, we can say that memory is divided into three parts — Stack, Heap and non-Heap. Let’s look at them in sequence.


  • Variables on stack keeps a reference to objects on Heap and primitives.
  • There is one single stack per Thread.
  • Have scope for variables.
  • Method scopes are pushed and popped
  • Size can be defined via configuration at startup


  • One per JVM Process — shared among threads
  • Can hold a reference to other objects in the Heap
  • Divided into parts for easy cleanup and the new allocation (we’ll see later)
  • Size can be defined via configuration at startup

Non Heap

  • The memory required for internal processing of the JVM.
  • Constant Pool, Static variables.
  • Field and Method data.
  • Code for Methods and Constructors.
  • Classloaders.
  • PermGen (Heap/non Heap) vs Metaspace (Java 8).
  • May or may not be a part of Heap — implementation varies.

Reference Type

Now you might’ve wondering why there are some dashed lines from stack to heap. Let’s see how the variables on Stack/Heap refer to objects on Heap. These are called reference and there are of four of them.

  • Strong Reference — The usual one we use in Java.
A a = new A();
  • Weak Reference — A reference to an object which is susceptible for next Garbage collection (if not Strongly referenced).
contextWeakReference = new WeakReference<Context>(context);//Later on.....Context context = contextWeakReference.get();
if(context != null){
//Context is not Gc'ed yet
//Context is Gc'ed already
  • Soft Reference — This is similar to WeakReference it’s just that JVM will GC this only when there is a memory crunch. And it is absolutely sure that all the soft references are garbage collected before the JVM throws any OOM.
contextSoftReference = new SoftReference<Context>(context);//Later on.....Context context = contextSoftReference.get();
if(context != null){
//Context is not Gc'ed yet
//Context is Gc'ed already
  • Phantom Reference — It is used for pre-mortem cleanup and is recommended to be used over finalize() . Finalize is unpredictable, nondeterministic and slows down the application. In the following example, we have to constantly poll the referenceQueue for the reference and then do the cleanup.
public class PhantomReferenceTest {
public static void main(String… args){
ReferenceQueue rq = new ReferenceQueue();
A a = new A();
a.s ="hello";
Reference r = new PhantomReference(a,rq);
a =null;
Reference ref = (Reference) rq.poll();
while(ref != null){
class A{
String s;

Heap memory Structure

Heap is divided into sections which allows easy allocation and cleanup. Eden Space is the place where new objects are allocated. When Eden is about to reach its limit, there is a Minor GC which clears up objects available for GC from Eden space to one of the Survivor spaces (S0 and S1). Also the objects available for GC in one of the survivor spaces are cleared and remaining objects move to the other survivor space. So at a time there is always one survivor space which is empty. After n (depends on JVM implementation) such iteration objects which have survived are moved to the old memory. Whenever old memory is on the verge of being a full Major GC occurs and unused resources of old memory are cleared.

How Garbage collection actually happens

It’s a stop-the-world event. The application thread is paused while GC is in progress. By doing System.gc(); we can only request for a GC. JVM internally decides when to execute GC. There are multiple kinds of GC which can be configured during the start of the JVM by giving arguments.

Types Of Garbage Collection

  • Mark and sweep algorithm is used for most GC’s — Mark Phase and Sweep Phase.
  • Serial GC — Mark and sweep for Minor and Major GC. Single Threaded
  • Parallel GC — N threads are spawned for minor GC.
  • Parallel Old GC — Multiple threads for both Minor and Major GC.
  • Concurrent Mark Sweep (Parallel New GC) — similar to parallel GC, minimize application pause, does most work with application thread.
  • G1 GC — Used for large heap, separates heap into regions and collects within them in parallel.

We can provide arguments at the start of JVM to specify which GC to use. Some examples are :

JVM args for GC
General JVM arguments

Key Takeaways

  • Limit the scope of a variable
  • Initialize when you actually need
  • Avoid initialization in loop — takes up GC time
  • Explicitly refer null
  • Avoid finalizers. Prefer Phantom references for cleanup
  • Configure JVM based on the requirement by specifying arguments

Cheers !!!



Alankar Gupta

Staff Engineer @ Google, Ex - Uber, Samsung, and Sony. 12 Years of Android and related experience. Writes on Tech and other interesting topics