Multiple Concurrent Asynchronous calls using Kotlin coroutines (async-await and suspendCoroutine)

Priya Sindkar
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2019
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Ever since stable Kotlin coroutines was announced at KotlinConf’18 back in October, I was very much intrigued to use them for my background tasks to give my users a streamline experience without blocking the UI.

Working on some android project, I came across one scenario where I was required to implement multiple asynchronous calls concurrently. Here’s how I tried to implement it using legacy android programming and eventually implemented it using Kotlin coroutines.

The Problem

To achieve following two tasks on splash screen-

  1. Load an Interstitial Ad (which doesn’t load immediately, but takes time) and
  2. Make an API call to check a flag whether to show ad or not before finishing splash and going to the dashboard.

Failed Approaches thought of before considering use of Kotlin coroutines:

A) Initial, step-wise (and awful) approach-

  1. Make an API call

2. Fetch response & check the flag for showing ad

3. Load ad if the flag was true

4. Wait for the ad to load before showing the ad.

This was a lot of injustice to time, the users, to the developer community, and more importantly, to Myself!

B) Second Approach-

Implement callbacks for API response (onFailure() & onSuccess()) and for Ad initialization (onAdLoaded(), and onAdClosed()) via listeners-

You know, the traditional way of returning values from asynchronous calls. Something like-

Problem with this approach. How do I combine the results from two asynchronous tasks of fetching API data and loading ad?

The solution- Kotlin coroutines

The only good approach to solve the above problem was to load ad and make an API call concurrently so that the time user had to wait staring at the splash screen can be reduced as much as possible and use suspend functions to use results from 2 async calls.

Using kotlin coroutines’ async-await, I made the API call and loaded the ad in parallel. I then combine the results from both and show/skip ad according to the requirement mentioned above.

Code using kotlin coroutines:

In the block- GlobalScope, I launch two coroutines in parallel using async to perform initalizeAndLoadAd() and fetchDataFromAPI(). Once I start the coroutines performing these two tasks, I call await() on each of them and in the if condition I compare the results obtained from each of the above methods to decide the further flow of the application.

Thanks to async and await the application will wait till all the results are obtained. Once the results are obtained the criteria in the if condition above are checked to decide whether to show an ad or just navigate to the dashboard.

Problem solved? Still not.

Using suspendCoroutines

My next concern- I was needed to return appropriate value from above mentioned callbacks such that after the asynchronous execution of calling-fetching the API and loading the ad, each of the await() should get a ‘single’ Deferred value to work with.

To achieve this, I had to make sure that the methods, fetchDataFromAPI() and initializeAndLoadAd() were suspended until either of the above callbacks associated with each returned a value.

With the use of suspendCoroutines, my code now looks something like this-

The continuation contains the completed state of the coroutine and returns a value by resuming the suspended coroutine. So, if I got a failure from the API call, my await for the API call will get null, if I got a success, my await for the API will get the response body.

Similarly, my code for loading an ad looks something like this-

If ad is loaded successfully, my await on initializeAndLoadAd() will return true else will return false.

Problem solved!

PS: This is a basic understanding I developed from multiple blogs and stackoverflow questions. Any improvements/feedback are welcomed.



Priya Sindkar

Sr. Android Developer 💚 | Believer in neat code and clean architecture | Loves to read | A coder through and through 👩🏻‍💻