Parsing using GSON’s @JsonAdapter

Haris Krasniqi
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2018


Most of you have heard about TypeAdapter which is used to customize JSON conversions. Sometimes API can be designed that way that it wont fit your needs on client side. Thus you have to modify the response.

Below an example of modifying the type of the response is shown. Specifically a List of Objects is parsed into HashMap

Suppose we expect this Json response:

"response": {
.... "values": [
"key": "foo_key",
"label": "foo_label"
"key": "foo_key_2",
"label": "foo_label_2"

From this response, normally it is expected that we parse it to List<Foo> values:

Response response


data class Response{
val values : List<Foo>


data class Foo{
val key : String
val label : String

but we don’t want to have that. As Foo object has a key and a label which looks very similar to keys and values on Map, we want to parse it to HashMap.

In order to do that we will need a TypeAdapter and customize our Json response based on out needs:

class FooTypeAdapter : TypeAdapter<HashMap<String, String>>() {

companion object {
private val KEY_NAME = "key"
private val LABEL_NAME = "label"

override fun write(writer: JsonWriter, values: HashMap<String, String>?) {
if (values == null) {
writeMap(writer, values)

private fun writeMap(writer: JsonWriter, values: HashMap<String, String>) {
for ((key, value) in values) {

override fun read(reader: JsonReader): HashMap<String, String>? {
try {
val token = reader.peek()
if (token == JsonToken.NULL) {
return null

if (token == JsonToken.BEGIN_ARRAY) {
return readArray(reader)
} catch (e: IOException) {
return null

return HashMap()

private fun readArray(reader: JsonReader): HashMap<String, String> {
val map = HashMap<String, String>()
while (reader.hasNext()) {
val pair = readObject(reader)
map[pair.first!!] = pair.second!!
return map

private fun readObject(reader: JsonReader): Pair<String, String> {
var key = ""
var label = ""
while (reader.hasNext()) {
val name = reader.nextName()
when (name) {
KEY_NAME -> key = reader.nextString()
LABEL_NAME -> label = reader.nextString()
else -> reader.skipValue()
return Pair(key, label)

Now we have to register this adapter to Gson. One way is to register it when building Gson instance (.registerTypeAdapter(Foo::class, FooTypeAdapter())) and the other way is to directly use it on field (by @JsonAdapter). Using it directly on field on our example would be something like:

Response response


data class Response{
val values : HashMap<String, String>

Notice that now we have a HashMap<String, String> instead of a List<Foo>

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