Referencing Attributes vs Resources

Shikher Verma
Published in
4 min readFeb 5, 2018

As most of you already know android uses XML files to define UI. Android’s XML usage is quite straightforward (although Data Binding library makes it more interesting). Most developers learn it when they get started with android and never dig deeper into it. There are some fine details in the android XML beyond the basic. Which can and are mostly ignored by developers because you can live without knowing them. But knowing them is immensely useful because it shows you what all is possible. Like the app architecture has matured over the last few years, soon other areas like android styling will also mature, with more and more discussion on what the standard practise for styling should be. And to question what the standard practise should be, first we have to know the possibilities available to us.

? and @ referencing in XML

There are multiple ways to reference in android XML. Most probably you would have come across these two variants:


This difference in referencing is one of the crucial details, prerequisite to styling a great app.

@ is used to reference an actual resource value. Think of it being call by value. @color/colorPrimary points to the line <color name="colorPrimary">#333333</color> in res/values/color.xml. Most references in XML are of this type.

? on the other hand is reference to a style attribute. The actual resource value pointed at, by this style attribute, depends on the current theme. So it’s similar to Java’s call by reference. The advantage is that you can dynamically change them without changing your XML. ?attr/colorPrimary points to the current theme’s line <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item> in res/values/style.xml.

? referencing is less common. And most of the time when we use it, we reference something that is defined in android’s inbuilt themes, not the ones defined by us. You must remember using it this way to set textAppearance in TextView


Or using it to style a ProgressBar with style="?android:attr/progressBarStyleSmall"

The syntax for referencing


  • package (optional) is name of the package this resource is in. Default is the app package this resource file is in.
  • type is one of color, string, dimen, layout, anim or some other resource type.
  • name is the name given to the actual resource.


  • package (optional) is name of the package this resource is in. Default is the app package this resource file is in.
  • type (optional) is always attr when referencing attributes. That is why it’s optional.
  • name is the name given to the actual resource.

Other tales from XML-land

Attribute Namespaces

What’s the difference between android:attribute, app:attribute and tools:attribute?

When I started building android stuff, I accepted android:attribute as a fixed syntax for declaring attributes. Never questioned what the suffix android: meant. Until I started using AppCompat. After coming across app:attribute I had to find out what exactly was going on.

android:attribute, app:attribute and tools:attribute are namespaces of attributes and depending on which namespaces you want to use, you will have to declare the corresponding XML namespace (in short xmlns) in the root view.

xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="" xmlns:tools="" 

This is what each namespace contains:

  • android: namespace includes all the attributes provided by the android system itself.
  • app: namespace includes the attributes provided by your app and the libraries used in your app. That is why AppCompat attributes end up being app:. You can easily make custom attributes for yourself using the DataBinding library or by making custom views.
  • tools: namespace provides design time features. Since most views are filled with data dynamically while running, the android UI editor is unable to show what a layout would look like when the app is running. tools: provides attributes which can define layout characteristics that are visible only in the Android Studio layout preview! You will be amazed by how much difference it makes.

Include & Merge tags

One of the underappreciated features of android XML is ability to reuse layout components. Common components can be separated into their own XML file and can be included with <include layout="@layout/component"/> Titlebar is the most common component which is separated into its own layout. Other components such as floating action button or bottom navigation bar can be separated too. The include tags makes this modularity possible.

But a problem with include tag is that if you want to separate more than one view into a single XML file, you will have to wrap them with a root view. This root view serves no real purpose other than to slow down your UI performance. <merge></merge> can be used as a root view in such cases as the compiler automatically removes it.

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A bit of shameless self promotion! I’ve been fighting on the android battleground since 2012. Currently looking for full time or freelance opportunities. Let me know if someone in your network is looking for an android developer. Also, let’s become friends on Twitter, Linkedin and Github 😊

