Top Kotlin Blogs To Learn More In Kotlin

Amit Shekhar
Published in
5 min readNov 14, 2019

Here, we have listed all the Kotlin blogs to learn more in Kotlin to get the most out of the Kotlin. So, let’s start learning Kotlin language-specific things from these blogs.

Understanding Higher-Order Functions and Lambdas in Kotlin

This article is for anyone who is curious about the higher-order functions and lambdas in Kotlin but has no idea what they are exactly.

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Mastering Kotlin Coroutines In Android — Step By Step Guide

This article is for anyone who is curious about the Kotlin Coroutines but has no idea what it is exactly. The goal is to make you understand what are Kotlin Coroutines which means that there are few simplifications done while writing the blog.

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@JvmStatic, @JvmOverloads and @JvmField in Kotlin

Learn about the JvmStatic, JvmOverloads, and JvmField annotations.

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Companion object in Kotlin

Learn about the Companion object in Kotlin

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Understanding Init block in Kotlin

In this blog, we will learn about Init block in Kotlin.

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Understanding inline, noinline, and crossinline in Kotlin

In this blog, we are going to learn the inline, noinline, and crossinline keywords in Kotlin. We will understand when to use the inline, when to use noinline and when to use the crossinline in Kotlin depending on our use-case. Most of the time, we do mistakes while using these keywords inline, noinline, and crossinline in Kotlin. Let’s understand it clearly to use it properly.

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Understanding open Keyword in Kotlin

In this blog, you will learn about the “open” keyword in Kotlin. You will learn how and why to use open keyword with the class name, function name, and variable name.

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Unit Testing ViewModel with Kotlin Coroutines and LiveData

In this article, we are going to learn how to write the unit-test for ViewModel with Kotlin Coroutines and LiveData that follows a basic MVVM Architecture. We will write the unit-test for the ViewModel which makes a network call and then, validate if our ViewModel is working as expected or not.

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Parallel Multiple Network Calls Using Kotlin Coroutines

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to make the multiple network calls in parallel using Kotlin Coroutines. We will learn to write the code inside the ViewModel with Kotlin Coroutines and LiveData that follows a basic MVVM Architecture. This tutorial will also help you in doing any type of background tasks in parallel using Kotlin Coroutines.

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Room Database with Kotlin Coroutines in Android

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use Room Database with Kotlin Coroutines. We will learn to write the code inside the ViewModel with Kotlin Coroutines that follows a basic MVVM Architecture.

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Kotlin withContext vs Async-await

In this blog, we are going to learn about the withContext and Async-await in Kotlin. We will also see how the withContext and Async-await differ from each other and when to use which one.

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What is suspend function in Kotlin Coroutines?

In this blog, we are going to learn about the suspend function in Kotlin Coroutines. Suspend function is the building block of the Coroutines in Kotlin. It is important to learn about the suspend function. We will deep dive into the source code of Kotlin to understand it today.

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Understanding Terminal Operators in Kotlin Flow

In this blog, we are going to learn about the Terminal Operators in Kotlin Flow. The Flow APIs in Kotlin Coroutines are very helpful when it comes to handling the stream of data.

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Exception Handling in Kotlin Flow

In this blog, we are going to learn about the Exception Handling in Kotlin Flow. We will also learn how to handle errors in the real-use of Android Development.

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As we write more blogs, we will keep updating the list.

Creating Flow Using Flow Builder in Kotlin

In this blog, we are going to discuss the different types of flow builders and how to create Flow using Flow Builder. We will learn to create Flow with examples.

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Check All the Android Tutorials.

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Amit Shekhar

Co-Founder @ Outcome School | Coder | Teacher | Mentor | Open Source | IIT 2010-14 | Android | Machine Learning | Backend