Try not to laugh reading this pieces of code

Walid Ashik
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2018


Top 9 hilarious / funniest code ever written by programmer I found online

I had a heavy mourn at midnight when my code didn’t give me my most precious / desired output i was expecting. I ran, ran and ran again my code but it’s ridiculous that I was getting every time the Null-Fucking-PointerException.

So I gave up that night the bug i was after and I needed to refresh my mind or so called head if you say so!

I randomly was searching online for some good jokes that’d make me laugh. Then, I found some of the most hilarious pieces of code here that ever written by some ninja, drunk, brutal, junkie, chaotic, poetic coder.

image from devRant

Let’s explore what I found!

1…Find smaller number

So there was a guy who wrote this code for his assignment. The assignment was about to find the smaller number.

2…Assign a = 0

Another newbie programmer wrote this one. He was really worried about variable a



Walid Ashik

I try to write as much as possible so that I don’t have to write my own biography!