UIView Animations Handbook — Swift4

Vamshi Krishna
Published in
1 min readDec 1, 2018

In today’s apps, animations undeniably play a key role. And there’s no better sight for a developer to see his code doing some magic on the screen. Animations are fun to use, they add liveliness to the UI and make the apps a delight to use.

Personally, I would love to keep apps on my phone which solve no purpose for me but has amazing UI with animations. I try to take inspirations from them when I develop apps in my day to day life.

When used properly, animations can convey information to your users and draw their attention to important parts of the interface.

For an iOS developer, there are so many options available for animating UIViews and it’s not a rare scene to see developers getting lost on what animations to use. I did go through the same situations quite a few times and hence I thought I would make a handbook which I can use for my coding purposes.

I’ve published it here (https://github.com/VamshiIITBHU14/UIViewAnimationsHandbook) along with a well designed Readme document. Happy coding.

