mohit sharma
3 min readNov 5, 2018

Why we should or shouldn’t learn Python..

An Introduction-

Python is a high level, open source, general purpose, interpreted, interactive language. Python supports multiple programming paradigm such as object oriented, functional programming and procedural style. It is an interpreted language, so we don’t require code compilation. It also supports large number of libraries that makes it more functional and provide automatic memory management.

A Brief history-

Python is developed by Guido Van Rossum in late Eighty and early Nineties.Python is developed using many other languages such as C, C++, ALGOL-68, SmallTalk, Unix-shell. It is copyrighted and the source code available under GNU-GPL.

About Features of Python-

Python contain many advantages over other language. Now I’ll tell you several features of Python and explain how Python is best programming language to learn….

  1. Easy to Learn- if you are familiar with C and C++ language, Syntax and structure of Python are similar to C and C++. Though, there is no need of previous knowledge of any other languages like c, c++ and java, because it is so easy to learn like our english language. Python has few keywords, clear defined structure. So, these properties makes Python easy to learn and understand. Programs written in Python is much shorter than any other PL such as C, C++, Java.
  2. Supports Broad Library- Python supports broad standard libraries. These libraries are portable and cross platform compatible on Windows, Unix and Macintosh.
  3. Automatic Garbage Collector- Python contains automatic Garbage Collector, so a programmer don’t require to worry about memory leakage or memory wastage; Garbage collector handles it automatically.
  4. Portable- Python is a portable language. It can run on various hardware platforms, operation system and provide same interface.
  5. Multiprogramming Paradigm- Python supports object oriented, procedural, functional programming paradigms that makes it a more powerful programming language.
  6. Reusablity- In Python we can divide or split our code in several modules and can be used later in other programs.
  7. Interpreted- Python is an interpreted language. It doesn’t use compiler, instead of this it uses interpreter.

Some Advantages-

  1. Open source- Python is open source and freely available.
  2. Need less code- Python works with very little code the way most common ”use cases” require, reserving explicit lengthy coding for outliers and exceptions.
  3. Multiparadigm- Python supports object oriented, procedural, functional programming paradigms that makes it a more powerful programming language.
  4. IoT(Internet of Things) opportunity - Raspberry pi platform available for Python to connect with real world (IoT’s).
  5. Asynchronous Coding- Python supports asynchronous coding, so python is easy to code without confusing about deadlock and resource contention.

Some Disadvantages also-

  1. Slow speed- Python is an interpreted language, so sometimes it become slower than compiled language.
  2. Database Access Limitations- Python’s database access layer seems a bit primitive and underdeveloped as compared to other technologies such as JDBC and ODBS, you don’t need to worry, it is changing.
  3. Design Restrictions- Python is dynamically typed, it requires more testing and has errors that only shows up at runtime.
  4. Absence of mobile computing- Python is mainly worked for server and desktop platform but it doesn’t work for mobile development. There are very few mobile applications that are developed on Python.

Conclusion- “Python is a hot language. Try it.”

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