BLM as a Terrorist Group

Tolulope Ademola
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2020


My focus today is on the BLM movement we’ve seen and heard about on our TV screens, social media’s maybe even spoken about with our friends or families.

For those who might not know what the BLM movement is, it is an organization as well as a daily fight against discrimination, police brutality to dismantle the colorblind racism that is present in today’s society against people of color.

With the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, we saw a surge in peaceful protesting around the world but mostly in the United States, this protest was a fight for justice for George Floyd and many other who were killed and never received the justice they deserved as well as urging the cops who killed George Floyd to be arrested.

Though some use this peaceful protesting to fulfill their greedy satisfaction, by looting businesses in order to steal merchandise or to create chaos, in the movement. During the George Floyd protest this year, there was some businesses that were looted and burned to the ground business such as target, and other small business and because of this person who was against the idea of BLM labeled the movement/organization as a terrorist group. An office in Minneapolis states “ I don’t see Black Lives Matter as a voice for the black community in Minneapolis…The disruption, the, you know, they firebombed the precinct. There were shootings outside the precinct, hundreds of thousands of dollars [of damage] to the precinct and squad cars.”

There has been an analysis that found 93 percent of protests were peaceful, but some of the violence came from opportunistic vandalism. When the movement is not labeled as terrorism people might think more clearly and critically about why the group or individual is acting as they are.


