My Propaganda Experience

Siarra Chabot
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2020

After completing our COM416 course, I’ve gained eminent knowledge that will stay with me as I develop my career, make informed decisions and skew towards trustful news and media sites. I never realized how impacted we all are due to the high volume of manipulative propaganda present, especially now during the pandemic and the 2021 election. In my paper, I incorporated the different values of propaganda I’ve learned and will use throughout my life. Such as deciphering propaganda, how to tell if certain propaganda is working in the people’s favor or large corporations, propaganda in Public Relations as it relates to my future career, propaganda in education and in politics. Before taking this class, I had a brief understanding of what propaganda was. I’ve never fully learned about propaganda truly was and the effects it has on the public. Propaganda is a strong tool that can be used positively or negatively on target public audiences. I thought propaganda was prominent in the World Wars, but to my surprise, there’s more propaganda here in our media in my opinion than there were years ago. For example, memes seem to be harmless, but they are also used as a tool to promote a certain ideal or view to the audience. There are thousands of memes and we encounter them everyday on our social media platforms. I was intrigued on how propaganda today affects our opinions and even rationale, which is talked about in my essay. It’s interesting how we can easily become manipulated by the media, especially the news. I’ve learned how and why propaganda is used for manipulation and it’s shocking to see how much negative propaganda there is in order to manipulate the people. Although there are many positive pieces of propaganda, we’re all truly the most affected by the propaganda we think isn’t propaganda and affects our emotions without us even realizing that it does.

