Mental Health

Curated Resources For International Father’s Mental Health Day

The best, albeit late, Father’s Day gift — if we do say so ourselves

Joaquin de Castro


It’s father’s day and we all know it. But a lesser known but just as important occasion is the day that follows, which is International Father’s Mental Health Day. Being the head of the family is tough, but being the father is also being the backbone of the family — carrying and supporting the family. This can not only be physically draining, but also emotionally so. Hence, today, it’s time for fathers to support themselves as well and think about their own mental and emotional wellbeing. To help them out with this, MindReform has curated a list of mental health resources just for dads. The perfect (albeit late) Father’s Day gift, if we do say so ourselves.

Strengthening Family Relationships At Home.

Read this article on how to strengthen your ties with your family members while at home!

The Science of Dad and the ‘Father Effect’.

Know more about the data-driven reasons why kids do better with father figures in their lives!

5 Things You Should Know about the Importance of Fathers.

Read this article from the Child & Family Research Partnership about how much difference our fathers can make in our lives.

Why fathers must talk about their mental health.

Men’s mental health is a serious issue that needs to be discussed, especially by those we perceive as too tough to do so.

Dad’s Mental Health.

Postpartum mental health is a men’s issue that should be given the proper attention. Visit this site for more help.

The importance of fathers | Correctional Officer Calvin Williams | TEDxIronwoodStatePrison

Single father of 3 children, Correctional Officer Calvin Williams of Ironwood State Prison speaks about the importance of being a father.

At MindReform, our only goal is to improve mental health awareness, promote self-care, and foster peer-support. If you’ve any feedback on these resources, or if we’ve missed out on a few, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Take care and have a happy Father’s Day!



Joaquin de Castro

Lead Developer, Co-founder at MindReform | Math, Web Dev, Scraping |