Mental Health Poetry

A Dull and Empty Infinity

A poem about when depression comes for a visit

Mind’s A Mess Poetry


Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

So often, I worry life will pass by too quickly,
and other times — depression meets me.
Easing my worries, replacing it with lies,
that tell me that life is a dull and empty infinity.

And I stare in a mirror to see a room with no body to stare back,
and I just feel so utterly trapped.
Lacking energy,
lacking my sanity, feeling worthless.
feeling unbearably,
not me.
Unfocused in a solemn and still reality.

That’s the atmosphere when depression visits.
I can feel the impending doom when it approaches and
as much as I try to pivot — it solicits.

Solicits me to buy into the lies,
buy into its’ disguise as truth.
And I wish I could find it in me to dispute,
but by the time its’ near me — I’m already aloof.

Distant and unresponsive,
attempting to move and feeling lost yet,
I tell myself it will pass,
to ride the moment through that I know won’t last.

And feed my spirit with truth,
I muster up the courage to break through,
a space that’s so easy to stay,
but I leave depression alone,
and slowly crawl away.

And once I’ve found the space to breathe,
I can’t help but notice how good it feels,
to take in oxygen,
to feel the beauty of living,
with such clarity.
with purpose.
And I take a refreshing step forward again,
with certainty that living is,
worth it.



Mind’s A Mess Poetry

rescue a whisper: refusing to shackle the voices dying to be released