
Kaustav Das Modak
Mind's I
Published in
1 min readJun 3, 2018
Photo by meriç tuna on Unsplash

Allow me this one last ode before I fade.
I can feel the trembling in the ground.
A storm has already uprooted some trees.
The warmth of this fireplace is the only thing
That I feel in this cold nether world.

Allow me to soak in all that is done and said,
Let me take one last stroll around.
Let me prepare while the world idles.
I have neither time nor luxury
To afford a shelter in this cold nether world.

But what ode shall you play
When the mind loses its way?

To Joy, I leave all of my mind’s glade.
(Salutes to the Maestro who crafted bliss.)
The Ode to Joy has been my lights,
My way out of dissociative miseries.
It brightens this cold nether world.

So many traditions about the body’s passing!
But what ode shall you play
When the mind loses its way?
When it becomes the husk of what was once life. Brimming.
Allow me to offer this one ode to the mind before it is fade.

