Fight, my bravehearts!

Kaustav Das Modak
Mind's I
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2018
Sunlight into cavern used under CC BY 2.0

Your sorrow
Of tomorrow
Will wait for you there
When you arrive.

Your pain
Of this strain (of today)
Will wait for you there
When you arrive.

But you can change
This strange ordeal
By making use of what you have today.
That will change what you face,
What you see, what you get,
What you want, what you need
When you arrive.

Fight! My bravehearts! Fight, today!
Do not give up!

There will be at least less sorrow
For you tomorrow
When you arrive.

Your mind is yours.
Your pain is yours.
But your fight is not your alone!

It’s us — all of us — in this, together,
As individuals, as sufferers,
As people who are trodden down
Every day by our own mind —
Our own depressions,
Our own sorrows,
Our own repressions —
The worries, the anxieties of tomorrow,
Keep us from doing
What we can do today.

Fight! My bravehearts! Fight!
Do not give up!
The Land of Mind will be yours
When you arrive tomorrow.

Do not despair, my bravehearts!
Do not give up!
Even at the brink of which
You change that small switch
Of a decision,
About whether to carry on,
or not,
Not all is lost!

Look inside.

It’s not all empty!
It’s not all gone!
It’s not all buried!

Look for the hints.
Look for the joy.
Look for the power.
Look for what you had yesterday.
Look for
The small fragments of memories left behind
That tells you, that gives you the courage to
Fight! My bravehearts!
Do not give up.

This fight is not your alone.
You shall inspire those that come after you!
You shall inspire those that fight with you!
You shall inspire those that are going through
The same kind of pain.
You shall conquer. You shall win!

It will be hard. It will be painful.
It may change who you are.
You may ask,
“Is this victory worth it?
Is this war worth it?”

No war is ever worth it, braveheart.

But, this one?
This is about you, within yourself.
If you do not fight,
If you move away,
If you turn away from it tonight,
What will be there tomorrow?
Live for yourself!
Do this for yourself!
Tell yourself, you can do more!
You can score a point
Against the repression,
Against the depression,
Against the torment.
You can stand strong!

It’s not war!
It’s a fight.
Do not give up!

It’s a quest to question,
It’s a quest of patience,
It’s a quest of strength,
It’s a quest to have
A better land tomorrow
When you arrive.

You are in a deep, dark cave.
If you look up
There is a small opening.
You may not be able to see it yet, braveheart.
It may be night outside.
You wait for the day!
You fight!
You fight just by sitting there,
By just holding your ground,
By not panicking.
Let your anxiety flood over you, braveheart!
But do not move your ground.

And when morning comes
You will see that small hole in the roof.
That small, tiny glimmer of hope.
You should.
There, through that small glimpse of hope
You will see a narrow thread of rope
That you can hold on to.

Grab it!
Drop your baggages and
Climb it, braveheart!
Climb it!
Do not let it go.
Just climb it.

If you fall, just wait.
Wait till you see that rope again.
That hope is your way out of this cave,

You drop your baggages
And climb.
Climb out of the cave.

There is a whole world outside,
Waiting for you
When you arrive.

