Revelation wall

Kaustav Das Modak
Mind's I
Published in
1 min readMay 27, 2018
“Scattered sheets of white paper covering the entire frame” by Brandi Redd on Unsplash

They may
Call me crazy, call me mad,
Call me unworthy and sad,
Lonely — depressed a tad.

They don’t
See the superfluidity of
This spontaneous psyche
That’s closed to them,
That wanders in its own ways,
Deeper and richer, into
Imaginary worlds — creates life there
Sketches with the pens of imagination,
Paints them with brushes of chaos,
With colours of vivid pain,
Frames them in pleasure, and
Hangs them with precision
On the wall of revelation.

They will not
Admire the view on the wall.
With that view —
Richer than their wildest imaginations —
They can touch the art, but not the artist’s mind.
After all, they see blank canvases that
Don’t have much in them to find.

