Do You Even Know What Kind Of Jobs The Richest Men Are Creating?

This is why millennials are mad, because boomers don’t get how much stress and strife young people trade for a paycheck

Linda Caroll
Minds Without Borders
7 min readJun 25, 2024


Stressed out young woman, photo from Pexels

Seven hundred boxes per hour. That’s the quota Raymond Velez had to meet to keep his job. Miss the quota, he’d get written up. Six hundred ninety five? Not good enough. Missed the quota, pal. That’s a write up. Get written up three times, you’re fired.

The people scanning the packages after he packed them? Have it worse. They have to scan 1,800 packages per hour. Thirty per minute. Miss the quota, you get written up. Get written up three times, you’re fired.

And sure, a person can slide a scanner over a label in two seconds. That’s not the issue. It’s that you can’t stop. No breather, no room to pause for half a minute. Because while workers are scanning packages? The robot is measuring time between scans.

If you’re on the clock and getting paid, your arm best be moving, bucko. All day. Every day. No pause, no exception, no excuse.

No one to appeal to, either. No option to say sorry, I’m having a bad day. The monitoring is done by robots. Get written up, that’s by a robot too. Terminated? Also by a robot.

