Here’s What They Really Mean When They Say Nobody Wants To Work Anymore

Take note of who keeps saying this

Michelle Teheux
Minds Without Borders
5 min readFeb 25, 2024


This is what unemployed people do all day long, you know. They just lie on the floor and let the hard-working taxpayers support them. Photo by James Forbes on Unsplash

I keep hearing people tell me nobody wants to work anymore. The people who say this, however, are invariably people who have had the same good jobs for years — or are retired.

I have yet to hear this claim from anybody who has dealt with a bout of unemployment in the last few years.

The unemployment rate is under 4 percent.

There aren’t a lot of people on the unemployment rolls, but this is a bit misleading. People whose unemployment has run out are not included in that statistic. Neither are people who settled for a part-time job or who switched to gig work or self-employment.

That would include people like me. I thought I’d work full-time until I was around 70, but it’s tough to land a job when you’re older than 40. Almost every woman my age I know is unemployed, underemployed or doing some kind of gig or freelance work.

I’m sure there are exceptions, especially people who have highly specialized skills. I imagine 50-something doctors, for example, are much better off than people in non-tech fields.



Michelle Teheux
Minds Without Borders

Lover of literature. Former newspaper editor. Fascinated by everything. Contact: To buy me a coffee: