I Asked AI What My Brand New Novel Is About

Turns out I didn’t even write it!

Michelle Teheux
Minds Without Borders
5 min readMay 9, 2024


Talk about your hallucinations! Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Like every writer, I’ve been noodling around with AI. What can it do? What can it not do? How afraid of it should I be?

First, I asked AI to write an essay about Trump’s trial in the style of various people. I started with myself, and it nailed my views and style pretty well. I was impressed and frightened it knew so much about me. (Ask AI to describe your work, if you dare!)

Then I started asking it to write in the style of all kinds of people — first a journalist friend of mine and then a quirky collection of people with vastly different voices and views:

  • Dave Barry
  • Queen Elizabeth
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Tucker Carlson
  • Peggy Noonan
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Charles Dickens
  • J. Edgar Hoover
  • Stalin
  • Hitler

It was a fascinating exercise. AI knew the difference between all of them and produced essays “by” each person in seconds. It flat-out refused to write about Trump in the styles of the last two people in that list, however.



Michelle Teheux
Minds Without Borders

Lover of literature. Former newspaper editor. Fascinated by everything. Contact: To buy me a coffee: