Are You Hopeful Your Future Will Be Bright, or Are You Certain of It?

A sunny disposition can add years to your life.

Lucy King
Mindset Matters


Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

If you look on the bright side, you try to be cheerful about a bad situation by thinking of some advantages that could result from it, or thinking that it is not as bad as it could have been.

You had a car accident — look on the bright side, no one was badly hurt.

You lost your job — on the bright side, you have more time to write!

If you always see the brighter side of things, you may feel you experience more positive events. You may find yourself less stressed, and even enjoy greater health benefits.

This is not your imagination.

Research shows an optimistic outlook has distinct advantages.

Optimistic people have better health and live longer. They save more money and are more likely to remarry after a divorce. Optimists have hope. They keep trying. They don’t give up.

When we look on the bright side, we tend to have more relationships, better-quality relationships. If you have good relationships, those people will encourage you to take care of yourself too.

Science has shown that optimists really do live

