Fail More to Succeed.

Bharat Makwana
The 265 Mindset
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2020

Why you need to fail more?

Photo by Josh Marshall on Unsplash

When you actually have to put it into plate nobody wants to do it, and this is why to being successful requires doing things that you really don’t want to do it.

Being Successful means, you are finally willing to break outside of what you have been to be normal in your life, because you want something different.

It should come from a willingness to try!

You are willing to get you bed up and willing to try something new!

There are many things that you tried and you failed many times and tried again, one of them is to walk or to ride a bicycle!

But remember that from your failure you learned something and tried again and now it’s working out.

But you only get there when you fail!

These day people feel such pressure to create something and then put it on the social media, that like releasing stuff is scary, and that makes people not to anything, they hide behind themselves so that they don’t have to be exposed, because of the ugly comments, what people going to say about this?

How to minimize failure?

Going each day and trying to get mini failures, like even if you fail at something you feel like it’s not even a big deal!

Because the ultimate failure in life is to die, like the moment you die there is no coming back you can’t keep trying after you die, which is actual failure.

And business is not working out that’s not failure, that’s just a learning opportunity how you can grow your business!

Run some mini tasks that make sure that things are possible!

Ask yourself these questions: -

  • Are you actually trying as much as you think you off?
  • Are you trying new things or are you just doing the exact same thing that you’ve always been doing and hoping that magically get amazing result?
  • Are you quitting things too often?

And that’s it for today!

