Published in
4 min readFeb 10, 2020


Here’s what else the Mindsync platform can do?

Artificial Intelligence and Time Management

Time management is defined as the process of planning and organizing your time for the most productive use. Therefore, the art of time management, simply put, is to make the most of your limited 24 hours. The successful implementation and use of your time will lead to guaranteed success and the achievement of your goals and objectives. Good time management is not about working for longer hours, but about being smart and efficient.

The business empire, which is on the rise, has begun to introduce and implement digitization of time management to expand and soften its target group. Artificial Intelligence entered the market as a new trading tool and is known for its ability to optimize in minimal time. AI-based systems such as face recognition or chat bots are AI’s gift for time management, with which we have moved from dreary manual tasks to more automated and modern operations designed to simplify the whole process.

How does artificial intelligence ease the process?

AI software, like facial recognition systems, works by identifying and analysing a person’s face to distinguish it from a sea of people. It stores in your memory unique patterns and facial features that make you YOU. Because it does not recognize the data in the storage, it alerts the user by sending an alarm. This feature is also known as biometric AI. This deployed AI tool was included in various software today.

It is widely used on mobile devices and in robotics. The use of facial recognition software has been fully used for access control in security systems and has also inspired a series of biometric systems, such as iris and fingerprint recognition. With facial recognition, time management was made much easier. Employees can now simply log in and out with their credentials without any difficulty.

Moreover, time tracking based on location is now conveniently done with AI. The developers have brought several services created especially for this purpose.

Another AI-enabled program called Rescue Time tracks your computer and calculates how much time you have spent on a particular task. It tabulates, measures, and generates a graph based on the time spent on each application, thus providing a visual report that in turn helps you effectively manage and allocate your time.

Another application, called Allocate, helps you record and track a wide range of information from different applications. It helps you prepare a detailed automatic time sheet, which simplifies your work. Statistics show that 74% of employees spend most of their time in software applications. The AI thus saves a lot of manual work by providing an automatic time sheet source. At the touch of a button, you can now access and synchronize your time sheet data.

The AI is now the future of the job. Journyx time tracking software, currently used in various organizations, reduces the burden on time management and data processing. Journyx can be effectively combined with Microsoft Office for easier time tracking and management. This will automatically synchronize events and data entry into your timekeeping without any manual intervention. Journyx can also be combined with Microsoft Project to track and modulate project times. Thus, in general, AI integration into data collection and management has paved a solid way for the implementation and realization of the most efficient time management capabilities.

Farewell thoughts

AI relies on basic skills, such as machine learning, big data processing, analysis, etc., to make sense of incoming information and create predefined results. During each digital transaction, the software ‘learns’ to become better. We have already seen AI transform various industries with its ability to perform routine tasks and leave personnel to perform more complex tasks such as strategy development. This helps harness the potential of the workforce without burdening them with routine and time-consuming tasks.

As AI rises to the next level, companies around the world are realizing its importance in improving efficiency and productivity. As organizations look for AI experts, MindSync creates a global pool of AI experts on a single platform; a kind of community that can be easily accessed by anyone looking for AI solutions for their business, small or large. In Mindsync, the community can take business challenges as a challenge, compete with other experts, create better solutions, receive feedback and ratings, and climb the “reputation ladder”. And make money. It’s an exciting ecosystem that will lead the AI as we advance into the future.

