What will the future bring with AI? In which industries? How will the world change?

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4 min readJun 27, 2019

Necessity has most always been the mother of inventions. During World War II, the Enigma machine developed by Germany was proving to be a severe headache for the allies as they were unable to decipher messages that were encoded by Enigma. They went a step ahead by developing the Bombe machine through a team headed by the genius British scientist Alan Turing, who is widely regarded as the father of modern computing. The Enigma and Bombe machines can be regarded as having laid the foundation for future “intelligent” machines.

Necessity has most always been the mother of inventions. During World War II, the Enigma machine developed by Germany was proving to be a severe headache for the allies as they were unable to decipher messages that were encoded by Enigma. They went a step ahead by developing the Bombe machine through a team headed by the genius British scientist Alan Turing, who is widely regarded as the father of modern computing. The Enigma and Bombe machines can be regarded as having laid the foundation for future “intelligent” machines.

It wasn’t, however, until 1956 when the term Artificial Intelligence was coined by American computer scientist John McCarthy. That was also the landmark year that spurred interest in AI and research started that would lead us to the present.

The earliest AI machines were essentially mathematical problem solvers. But today, AI has become such an integral part of our lives, thanks to the Internet, that most of the times, we do not even realize that AI is at work.

The explosion in computing power and capacity has helped AI technologies to leverage Big Data to predict customer behavior, thereby helping internet giants like Amazon and Baidu and Google to customize user experience.

Today, businesses are adopting AI technologies in an effort to reduce operational costs, enhance productivity through increased efficiency and to provide a high level of customer experience.

By deploying relevant AI technology businesses may gain the following abilities –

Save time by automating routine processes

Increased operational efficiency

Take better and faster business decisions based on cognitive abilities of AI tech

Avoid human errors, leading to time and money savings

Using data analytics to predict customer behavior in order to provide better customer services

Ability to make sense of Big Data to help in business decisions

Let us take a quick look at the industries that stand to gain the most from the correct deployment of AI technologies.

Healthcare — One of the major areas in healthcare where AI tech can help is making sense of the ton of data that governments and health organizations have collected over the decades. This will help us understand the subtle patterns in the progression, diagnosis and treatment of different kinds of medical conditions. In a study conducted in the UK, AI was found to outperform experienced cardiologists in spotting the early signs of a heart condition.

Automotive — Self-driving cars have been in testing for some time now and the world awaits with bated breath when they start plying on the roads ferrying passengers to their destinations safe and sound. However, we are still a long way when we can have autonomous cars driving in the center of downtown Manhattan or the city of London. And this is an area where AI technology can improve dramatically.

Cybersecurity — This is an area that can benefit massively from the application of AI technologies. Bots that detect vulnerabilities and report back need to be made “intelligent” so that they can be used more proactively. While unscrupulous actors may try to weaponize AI tech for hacking and exploiting security vulnerabilities, security companies need to think out of the box to develop AI-powered capabilities to prevent attacks.

E-commerce — While e-commerce businesses are already using AI technologies to predict customer behavior and personalize offerings, there is still a lot that AI can offer to this industry. The most important aspect where AI tech can help is customer service automation. Sales automation can be bettered using AI tech and data analytics, so that potential sales opportunities can be identified and exploited.

These are exciting times for the fields of AI and industries that stand to benefit from it. However, the major problem with using AI technologies is the dearth of experts in this field and the costs involved in computing. MindSync is creating a blockchain-based platform that will host a dedicated community of experts in the field of AI technologies. This pool of global talent will be accessible to businesses of all sizes to help create AI-based solutions for their business processes.

To know more about how MindSync can help businesses leverage the awesome capabilities of AI technologies, visit the website, and read the white paper. If you are an expert in the field of AI technologies, we invite you to be part of an extraordinary community that seeks to transform status quo and make businesses better.

