Why do firms prefer to crowdsource DS/ML jobs instead of hiring a specialist at home?

Published in
1 min readMar 11, 2020

Cost for computational power

Conducting AI and ML tasks require supercomputers to run infinite computations and to process large data sets in order to obtain reliable outputs. Obtaining such computational power for one-time task becomes inefficient for small-medium size businesses. Third-party platforms like Mindsync will allow firms to rent such computational capacity for the duration of their task.

Repository for readymade AI Solutions

Customers will be able to access readily made AI solutions on the Mindsync platform. This will allow for the rapid deployment of such solutions.

Infrequent nature of AI task

Most AI tasks are one-off projects and therefore making it inefficient or unnecessary to maintain an inhouse expert.

Wide expert pool

The Mindsync platform will bring together experts in Data Science & Machine Learning from across the globe. This avail businesses to access a wider pool of expertise for their AI needs as opposed to hiring an in-house expert or outsourcing to an individual firm.

Solution validation

Customer will benefit from an extra layer of security as all solutions will be tested and validated by the platform’s independent experts prior to deployment to customers

