Why is Mindsync using Blockchain? The answer is simple.

Published in
2 min readJun 9, 2020

The Mindsync platform will be built on top of the Ethereum blockchain using smart contracts. The project will benefit from the inherent security and fault tolerance attributes of the Ethereum blockchain.

Blockchain technology allows for the recording of information in a safe and indelible manner permitting an easy and safe exchange between programmers and customers. The software code is hashed on the blockchain.

The Mindsync platform will have a two-layer consensus mechanism:

  • Miners at layer one (1);
  • Proof of reputation on smart contracts at layer two (2).

There will be several smart contracts types to implement all features of Mindsync:

  1. For machine learning contests. Each platform user will be able to create smart contract using our templates with problem description and links for training data/other resources (here the user accepts public risks that the data which he provides is secure). He also creates competition rules and duration of contest. He pays fees depending on how long this contest will take and pledges prizes. Prizes will be given to the top score experts/developers after contest is concluded. User can provide his list of experts/IPFS nodes/computation power providers or create a pool so that platform users can choose them for best fairness and services. Client then pays providers a small fee in MAI tokens after competition starts. During the competition, participants send their solutions to IPFS nodes, experts and computation power providers using Mindsync API services. Providers then commit results as links for each user solution, calculate score and hash of solution data so that it meets platform security needs and protects participants from fraud. API services will provide current leaderboard with access of smart contracts based on current user scores. At the end of the competition, experts will test participants’ solutions with full competition data and publish final results.
  2. Mindsync platform contract. It will have users’ reputation data, which can be upvoted or downvoted using upvote, downvote methods. It is needed for integrity, preventing and punishing fraud, and to create a fair system that will choose best experts that will test solutions, reach a consensus and arrive at fair results. Everyone’s vote is scaled by their reputation. There will be list of experts, computation power providers, IPFS nodes that can be used during contests. Each user can become expert, provider, node, if his reputation rating is high enough (e.g. one of ~100 first best ratings).
  3. MAI token contract which will store platform users balances and where MAI tokens will go as competition prizes or fees for experts/providers services.

