On Distance
The simple notion of distance, translated into a visual depiction, would suggest a physical space. A deeper understanding would make us delve into the psyche of the human being. Distance. A predator with no characteristics, bred for the sole purpose of challenging human nature.
It is a lurker of the minds, the ones that find a deep connection rooted in a significant other. Distance is a white devil.
Beware of your confidence and your illusory strength. Distance feeds on the momentum of those abrupt, emotion-filled, and rash decisions.
Miles apart is a mere measure, a physical length, that should not be neglected for its consequences on the mind, on the heart that biologically pumps blood to the body but metaphorically holds a spectrum of emotional discharges.
Distance made me confront my weakness with a breakdown and a sorrowful smile on my face, but it also made me cherish a lover in ways I could never imagine. I vividly remember the touch, whether hot, warm, cool, freezing, or even and possibly sometimes temperature-less, on each molecule on my skin. I build small fragments to recapture a memory or a sensation. I try to evoke their laughter differently every time, according to what situation
I throw myself in. I spend my hours trying to transcend to a higher level, where it would be possible for me to overcome this human suffering and to feel their essence on mine, their blink in my sight, their whispers, and their most tender breaths.
Distance, I repeat, is a friend disguised as a white devil, waiting for a soul to rise above the misery of torment or to fall in the deep pits of despair.
“If you truly want to be respected by people you love, you must prove to them that you can survive without them.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson, The Infinity Sign
But then again, I come across these words, and I vouch for them.
There is a fundamental difference between growing together with someone and growing apart, but still with someone and not apart from them.
Here, distance interferes as a friend.
And so, as long as you try to look at things from an optimistic perspective, you will suffer way less than you think you should, and I would like to believe that the whole system of life abides by this rule. Everything around us generates meaning through our subjective understanding of it, and we will always be free to decide our subjectivity towards things.
I have no intention of telling you that we should live a full life with smiles on our faces, but here is my take on the notion of distance, at least, and what seemed to be a heartbreaking experience, turned out to be a journey of growth.