λ# — v0.5.0.1 Release Notes

Steve Bjorg
3 min readFeb 27, 2019


λ# is a CloudFormation compiler for accelerating serverless .NET application development on AWS. λ# is an open-source project hosted on GitHub.

This release adds a new trick and fixes some issues we missed in the initial v0.5 release.

New: Create packages with Linux Executables


I was preparing a demo on how to use Lambda layers to include an executable that can be invoked by a Lambda function when I came across a limitation. It turns out zip archives created on Windows cannot capture the execution permission required for a Linux executable.

At first, this issue confounded me, because none of the zip utilities were showing a difference between a zip archive created on Linux and one created on Windows. Yet, the former would set permissions and the latter would not when deployed by a Lambda layer. I was already familiar with the ExternalAttributes property on on ZipArchiveEntry, but setting the desired permissions had no effect.

After hours of researching the issue, I finally discovered unzip -Z which shows additional metadata about a zip archive on Linux.

~$ unzip -Z /package_FFmpeg.zip
Archive: /package_FFmpeg.zip
Zip file size: 24394645 bytes, number of entries: 2
-rwxr-xr-x 3.0 unx 70974184 bx defN 19-Feb-23 22:02 ffmpeg
-rw-r--r-- 3.0 unx 35821 bx defN 19-Feb-23 22:02 GPLv3.txt
2 files, 71010005 bytes uncompressed, 24394361 bytes compressed: 65.6%

It so happens the zip specification stores which host operating system was used to create the archive. In order for the zip archive to capture execution permission, it must have been created on a Unix system (denoted by unx). However, when created one on Windows, it shows fat instead. Why it’s an operating system in one case and a file system in another is probably lost to history…

Unfortunately, the ZipArchive class in .NET does not allow specifying the host operating system. However, SharpZipLib does, short of a few fixes which hopefully will be merged soon. In the meantime, λ# CLI uses its own fork of the code.

What’s New

In v0.5.0.1, the λ# CLI scans Package files for Linux executables by checking for the ELF header. When detected, the executable is added with the execution permission set and the host operating system declared as Linux, thus allowing the Lambda function to invoke the executable in a Lambda layer. In addition, the λ# CLI checks if an up-to-date zip archive already exists by computing the checksum of the files first. If the checksum matches, the packaging step is skipped, saving valuable time when building and deploying as CloudFormation will also skip the Lambda layer update.

NOTE: The λ# CLI does NOT check if the executable is compatible with the Amazon Linux operating system. It merely checks that it is a Linux executable.

Sample: Create Animated GIFs from Videos with AWS Lambda

You can see the new code in action by deploying the GifMaker-Sample module, which uses the ffmpeg utility to convert a video into an animated GIF file.

The ffmpeg utility is added to a zip archive by using the Package declaration. Nothing additional is required to capture the proper permissions.

- Package: FFmpegPackage
Files: Assets/FFmpeg-Layer/

Then, the package is referenced by the Lambda layer resource declaration.

- Resource: FFmpegLayer
Type: AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion
LicenseInfo: GPL-3.0-only
S3Bucket: !Ref DeploymentBucketName
S3Key: !Ref FFmpegPackage

Finally, the Lambda function just needs referenced the Lambda layer.

- Function: MakeGifFunction
Memory: 1024
Timeout: 300
- !Ref FFmpegLayer

The λ# CLI takes care of compressing, uploading, and deploying everything for you. The whole process is idempotent and thus well suited for CI/CD pipelines. It’s that simple!

Bug Fixes

In addition, we included a couple of fixes in this release.

Please reach out to us with feedback on Twitter @lambdasharp or file any issues on GitHub.

Happy Hacking!

